(This article is Part-5 in a series. For Part-6, go here. For Part-4, go here.)
Isaiah: “and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
In recent articles, I’ve established the WHO Pandemic Treaty will be presented to the US government as an AGREEMENT, which means the President can simply sign it, and by long-standing (unconstitutional) tradition, it becomes law across the land.
Thus giving US sovereignty over to the World Health Organization, whenever a pandemic is declared.
But of course, the Agreement, when it is confirmed by many nations, will be hailed as a great step forward in international diplomacy. A harbinger of other Agreements to come, which will secure mutual cooperation on many fronts—and thus help realize the United Nations goal of world peace.
The strangest piece? The WHO will be able—as is its common practice—to declare a pandemic caused by a virus that doesn’t exist.
Unite the world based on a fiction.
Invent a threat that isn’t real, and then build “a new world” on that.
To name just one of the many cons that will spring from this con, imagine nations who try to convince the WHO to declare a pandemic (based on nothing), in order to secure financial aid.
And make no mistake, the WHO is aiming to become the central dispenser of money “to fight pandemics.” Through donations, fees, new global taxes—in any and every way it can.
WHO also aims to set up permanent bureaucratic structures inside every member nation, because “pandemic preparedness” must be ongoing. Forever.
If you look at the WHO as a business enterprise, its main product is fake pandemics. A new one is in its early stages right now. The H5N1 Bird Flu virus. Which doesn’t exist. Part of the reason it’s being pushed?