Believe All Mothers. BAM.
Years ago, I wrote that when it comes to autism, trust the mothers. They’re all you need. They’ll tell you the truth. They know when their kids got the shots and collapsed and changed forever, because they were there. Polly Tommey, a real-life hero, knew it years ago, too. She’s been out on road making the VAXXED films, showing these damaged kids up close and personal, with their mothers.
When I ran for a seat in the US House in 1994, I met Health Freedom veterans who’d been around for decades. They knew. They’d been talking and writing about vaccines and autism forever. They believed the mothers, too.
Recently, my producer,
, wrote a piece declaring the mothers are the right source, and picked up on it. It reflects the tide. Pass it on:BAM. Believe All Mothers.
Design the T-shirts and send a few to Bernie Sanders and Pocahontas.
It’s not too late, Bobby. You can still talk to those Senators on the Hill who tried to put your ass in a sling during the hearings. Tell them in no uncertain terms that all the science on autism you need is the mothers. What do you say?
Hold a BAM press conference. Stand up on your hind legs and deliver.
I keep telling you, you’ve got millions of people out there who know the truth about vaccine destruction. Put aside the push and the worry about winning the High Chair at HHS. This is much, much bigger than that.
The wave is there. Ride it.
You had your two days in their Vaccine Court. Now put them on trial in yours.
Blow all the political maneuvering away. It’s just a phony wall in a stage set. Behind it is the towering truth and all the people who know it.
Especially the mothers.
Go with them fully.
-- Jon Rappoport
I thank God that I knew not to vaccinate my children. I read a book 25 years ago called Vaccination is Not Immunization; just a little red book written by a chiropractor. Our neighbor's child was vaccinated and around 18 months, after having received vaccines that morning, the poor child screamed ALL NIGHT LONG. And she continued to scream all night long for several months. She was neurologically damaged; 25 years old now, not all there mentally. There was nothing wrong with her prior to that.
As Catherine Austin-Fitts has said “don’t expect the corruption in government to change unless there is an accounting for the trillions and in dark money”…..