Watch the Speech here.
He strides, not shuffles, to the podium.
There’s pep in his step.
He actually seems chipper.
He starts talking. The content doesn’t matter. It’s boilerplate. But his delivery—all of a sudden it’s coherent and clear. Bordering on crisp. Almost no slurring.
He’s a lot more THERE.
He got plenty of rest? He rehearsed the speech a dozen times? I don’t think that explains it.
Is it possible that, FOR YEARS, his main problem has been the drugs? THE DRUGS? And now that the election is over, his doctors have lightened up or just walked away? And Joe is off those drugs?
Yes, I know he had 2 very serious brain aneurysms in 1988 and emergency surgeries. But why is he suddenly so sharp now, in his final speech to staff?
We don’t know what the doctors have been giving Biden. We know what they’ve disclosed:
Eliquis. Crestor. Allegra. Dymista. Pepcid.
Eliquis can cause major bleeding. Crestor: weakness, nausea. Allegra: drowsiness, dizziness. Dymista: vision changes. Pepcid: dizziness, confusion, irregular heartbeat.
So just the drugs we know about can cause a person to experience weakness, disorientation, confusion. Add nausea, major bleeding, irregular heartbeat—and you’d have BIG debilitating problems.
Wait a minute. Crestor. A Statin. There was a scandal. Lawsuits settled. Among the criticisms of the drug: it caused severe muscle damage. Could THAT be what we were seeing so many times, as Biden shuffled to and fro, slipped and fell? Also, Crestor has been accused of causing increased blood sugar. Surely that could create mental confusion.
Again, these are just the drugs we know about. Any other drugs the doctors have been feeding Biden would be “off the record.”
Pain killers? Opioids?