Over breakfast at the Chicago Palmer House Hotel, I interviewed the new chief of police, James X:
How did you do it? How did you take over the police department?
No one should be surprised. It was a natural outcome.
An outcome of what?
Our growing status. For instance, we have more firepower than the cops.
And the mayor just handed control to you?
She more or less made a declaration.
So now, when your people shoot and kill black people on the South Side, will that cause a problem?
You mean, when we, as the police, shoot people? Well, no one likes to die, but other than that, there’ll be a lot less uproar than you’d see if the regular white cops shot a black man. We’re black, and we’re part of the community.
So this is real community policing.
Exactly. That was part of Mayor Lightfoot’s declaration.
Plus---are you drawing salaries from city funds?
No. That was part of the deal. Defund the cops. We make enough money on our own. Trafficking drugs.
And now, as the police…
Our drug profits will soar. I can show you the numbers. They’re already moving up. A 6.45% increase over the past three weeks.
Will you, as the police, be making arrests for street crimes?
Mostly, no. But that was already the case, before we took over.