There are a lot of reasons why.
The one I want to focus on here is the vaccine mandate. Because it signaled that the federal government, with all its power, is not only backing mainstream medicine, it’s enforcing it.
Think about this. Where does government get its justification for claiming that one kind of medical practice is official?
And then, on top of that, on what basis does it claim it can demand, with bad consequences for dissenters, that Americans fall in line and take shots in the arm?
When you trace this back, beyond where big conservative websites are willing to go, you arrive at Trump. He launched Warp Speed. That was government backing a vaccine—with major money.
Trump went all in, in his usual bloated style, with heraldic promises about the marvel of the upcoming vaxx. Once he was out of office, Biden took it all a step further. Mandate.
Fauci was the mouthpiece: “Follow the science.” “I am the science.” That’s the clue. That’s the government saying it’s supporting “objective fact.”
That’s the government claiming it knows objective fact when it sees it. And no one can challenge this knowing.
When the actual results of the vaccine started leaking out, and it was obvious the shot was killing and wounding large numbers of people, the government said: NO. IT’S NOT HAPPENING. THAT’S DISINFORMATION. DISINFORMATION MUST BE STOPPED. CENSORED.
They’re still saying that.
They have to.
Because government/Trump/Fauci foisted the vaccine on the people in the first place.
It turns out that modern medical practice, in most respects, is OPINION. Not fact.
The government is backing and funding and enforcing opinion.
Everybody has an opinion. But not everyone has trillions of dollars and obedient media and executive orders and police and courts.
Which was why the Constitution was written to limit central government. The Founders had no doubt that federal government was going to frame opinion as fact. Monolithic rulers always follow that path.
But with modern propaganda, the public was tuned up to believe modern medicine was a miracle in all respects. And it was objective truth. And government was merely reflecting and forwarding the truth.
This is where we are today.
Minus the dissenters—whose numbers have grown considerably since COVID.
No wonder governments and their minions are obsessed with stamping out counter-opinion. Because, when the MAJORITY of people realize modern medicine is opinion, the whole edifice of government itself crumbles.
The number of lies exposed multiplies rapidly.
You’re a dissenter. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t have read this far. Here’s a quote I’ve posted several times over the past 15 years or so:
“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” — Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977
Illich was taking a big step on the road toward present-day realizations about official government medical lies.
We keep moving toward majority status. We’re getting there.
The fake consensus is dissolving.
The most heralded objective facts in the world—medical facts—are melting down into mere opinion in the crucible of dissent.
Don’t stop now.
In the past, when I’ve hammered on Trump for pushing his Warp Speed kill shot—and never admitting even a shred of responsibility for it—I’ve left out one item: