DAY ONE: As your new President, this is what I’m doing NOW; listen up
COVID vaccines are hereby outlawed
To read Day 2, go here.
Background: Shortly after the assassination of the Secretaries of State, Commerce, and HHS, 97 House members and 43 Senators fled the country, making the Senate and the House inoperable and, for the moment, defunct.
During the prosecution of the group known as Cartel Squad 6, (who were found guilty of the assassinations), their point man, Lee Harvey Dulles, who carried orders from the World Economic Society of the Future, committed suicide.
The President declared Military Martial Law and stepped down, along with the Vice-President.
In the chaos that followed, 43 top Pentagon executives departed the United States. I was working as a civilian public relations writer for the Department of Defense; and through an improbable series of internal events, I was chosen to step up and take the reins of government, as the Commander in Chief and President During the Crisis.
That is how I am now sitting in the Oval Office, with full executive powers during a condition of National Martial Law.
I have a giant bully pulpit. And I’m going to make full use of it.
I have already made radical changes in our military. There is no more WOKE. Women can be trained for desk jobs, but only men stand and fight on the front lines. We do not accept transgender persons in the regular Armed Forces. We will create a special unit for them. They will train on their own base, and we will test their fitness, loyalty, and discipline periodically. Persons with felony records or gang connections are barred from military service.
I have dispatched 60,000 troops to secure the southern border against illegal immigration. They will repel armed Mexican cartel attacks with lethal force. Persons arrested carrying the horrific drug, fentanyl, will be prosecuted on a charge of attempted mass murder.
The vastly corrupt FDA, CDC, and NIH are hereby DISBANDED. All their employees are fired. The buildings of these agencies will be fumigated.
I will be appointing a special committee to review all new medical-drug and vaccine applications—under the most severe scrutiny. Any attempt to deceive the committee will be treated as a Class A felony.
All COVID vaccinations are hereby cancelled and outlawed. They are horrendously destructive and useless.
Arrest warrants have been issued for the chief executives of four major COVID vaccine manufacturers. So far, the charges are depraved indifference and negligent homicide. Those charges may soon be upgraded.
A new court system is coming into being. With new judges, prosecutors, and investigators. No matter who you are, commit a violent crime, and you go to prison. No release on short bail or no bail.
All gangs across the nation are hereby put on notice. You’re committing RICO offenses—as continuing criminal enterprises—and very soon you’re going to face relentless justice.
So will the banks who launder cartel drug money.
And oh yes, any government employee who attempts to collude with a media outlet to limit the 1st Amendment of a citizen will face a long prison term.
I’m essentially the King of America during this crisis, and I’m going to do everything I can to return this country to a Constitutional Republic.
But every state, every city, every town must take back all the powers not specifically granted to the federal government in the Constitution. If not, we fail. We all go down.
There is a lot more coming. This is just the beginning.
Some of you believe I’m heading up a military coup. That is not my intent. It remains to be seen whether I, as temporary monarch, survive, and whether elements of the military try to depose me and take me out. Yes, there is that risk.
In this crisis, which has been building for many years, there have been many risks. There already WAS a coup, a takeover of this nation. Several, in fact. So we are facing nothing new.
I’m making hay while the sun shines. I will undoubtedly make mistakes. They’re unavoidable. So be it.
I want to reinstall the Constitution—individual freedom, which has no limit, except when exercising that freedom impinges on the freedom of another. I want to restore a meritocracy. Individuals, no matter who they are, earn their own way. On the basis of their own ability and will and work. That restoration will take time.
Again, the colossus called the federal government can’t carry all the freight here. It is in fact a giant swamp that can’t be drained by edict. You must take back your legitimate power. You must establish it where you are, not where I am in the White House.
If you’re a member of a “special group” who believes you have special protection and special favors—while at the same time you whine about your victim status—I advise you to rethink your position. You’ve living in a fantasy bubble, and the bubble is going to pop.
Stay tuned. More coming.
I’m not screwing around. I am the President.
-- Jon Rappoport
I respectfully submit that you outlaw ALL vaccines, since they do nothing except harm, since there are no such things as "viruses", and no such thing as "contagion", sir.
You have my pledge, Mr. President. "The vastly corrupt FDA, CDC, and NIH are hereby DISBANDED. All their employees are fired. The buildings of these agencies will be fumigated."
I encourage you to take stronger measures in this case, e.g., one way ticket to HELL.