I don’t know what the hell they’re yakking about. But they seem to be taking their meme marching orders by splattering that phrase. I hear it often when I’m flipping channels.
What do they mean by freedom?
1st Amendment? No censorship? Are you kidding?
As far as I can tell, they mean government pays people who can’t pay for themselves. Everywhere, all the time, for everything.
On MSNBC, I heard “freedom” and then “people who can’t pay their rent in the South Bronx.”
Democracy—what does that mean? Seems to mean the same thing as freedom. Government supports people with $$$$.
So that’s the reaction to Trump winning. “We, the losers, have to keep fighting for government to pay our bills.”
I guess that’s the modern interpretation of the 1776 Revolution.
“We defeated the British so the government would send us a nice check every month.”
Let freedom ring. The cash register.
Are these Lefty talking heads on television aware this is what they mean by freedom and democracy? Do they know? Yeah, I think some of them do. Others have no clue. They’re just moving their lips.
From time to time, I write about the corruption of language. How it sinks lower and lower on the scale of intelligence, into fetid swamps.
I don’t mind modern straight-from-the-shoulder language at all. I practice it myself. But when it’s used, like a general grease spread over hidden agendas, then no. No dice.
For contrast: