Cutting to the chase, the trial focused on an op-ed Amber wrote, implying Depp abused her. But…
Glenn Greenwald: “One fact that clearly emerged from the trial: the Amber Heard op-ed in the @washingtonpost that the jury just found defamed Johnny Depp was ghost-written by @ACLU, after Heard promised to pay them $7 million (a promise she never fulfilled). They have a lot to answer for.”
I can now reveal a secret meeting took place between Amber, her lawyers, and the judge in the case. This confab went down two weeks before the trial opened, in a Burger King three blocks from the courthouse.
JUDGE: Amber, this is going to be a bloodletting. Your lawyers and Johnny’s lawyers are going to rip you and Johnny from stem to stern.
AMBER: Yeah? So?
JUDGE: Here’s the thing. I can smell the verdict already. You’re not going to win.
AMBER: How the hell would you know that?
JUDGE: I’ve been around the block on cases like this a few thousand times. When shit rolls downhill, I can predict which direction it’s heading.
AMBER: My lawyers are loaded for bear.
JUDGE: That’s what they all say. Anyway, you have an out. That op-ed was written by the ACLU. Everybody knows it. So you pin the responsibility on THEM.
LAWYER: Actually, that’s a pretty good---
AMBER: Shut up. Your Honor, you really think I can get away with that?
JUDGE: You can if I help you.
AMBER: Why would you?
JUDGE: I don’t like the ACLU. They used to stand for free speech and the Constitution, but now they’re just a bunch of woke con artists. Why do you think they’re on your side? They don’t care whether you have a good claim. They just want to pump up the me-too movement.
AMBER: Yeah, well, I don’t care why they’re helping me.
JUDGE: Johnny’s going to win somewhere in the vicinity of fifteen million. We can work it so the ACLU has to pay instead of you. Since they wrote the op-ed.
AMBER: Really?
JUDGE: Leave it to me and your lawyers.
AMBER: I’ll still look like the victim?
JUDGE: The victim of predators at the ACLU. They took you for a ride. You didn’t realize what they were up to. That kind of thing.
AMBER: But then Johnny gets off the hook.
JUDGE: He’s going to win no matter what. Deal with it. But this way, you don’t pay.
LAWYER: This is good.
AMBER: Shut up. Your Honor, can we make it seem Johnny and the ACLU planned this whole thing together? He wanted to plant the op-ed in the Post so he could sue me and score a big pay day.
JUDGE: No. Too complicated.
AMBER: I want Johnny and only Johnny in the cross-hairs. The ACLU are my friends. They’re doing their woke shtick and “we stand for women” bit to help me out.
JUDGE: Wrong. They’re using you, Amber, to make a point. They’re scum. And they’re going to get off scot-free while you pay through the nose. Let me sweeten the deal a little. I’m acquainted with Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post.
AMBER: Shut up.
JUDGE: If I tell Jeff I can work this trial so the Post comes out of it smelling like shit, because they published the op-ed you didn’t really write, I can engineer a quiet off-the-books settlement with him. Say fifty million---and I tell Jeff the Post won’t take a hit. Your lawyers get half of the fifty, you grab the other half, and you cut me in for five mill. I retire, buy a nice piece of land in Virginia, putter around in my garden, and---
---I was sitting two tables away. My cell phone battery died.
Obviously, Amber didn’t take the deal. She came out swinging in the trial, and lost. The ACLU flew under the radar. In the eyes of many rubes, yokels, and limousine liberals, the organization still stands for the Constitution.
But who knows? Maybe Amber can pivot now and file a new case against the ACLU.
“I was the victim. They screwed me. They had their own agenda.”
I’d watch that trial.
Wokeism under fire. The whole house burns down.
-- Jon Rappoport
Jon also writes at and
For some reason I watched a few minutes of a couple of videos of this trial. It was trash for sure. Jon, I'd put a big bet on what you lay down.
I have to admit
I watched the whole thing, i might
be MK Ultra'd