Yes, America does have that core.
It may be hard to find it these days, especially with the spread of Communism on our soil: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
This is a strategy for conquest.
It involves creating more and more people with perceived needs…and supplying solutions…as the first order of government.
This inevitably leads to dictatorship. Everyone eventually “has needs,” and the government is the great supplier…but government requires absolute loyalty and obedience from all citizens. That’s the great con.
The REAL political core of America is individual freedom and the power to do anything that doesn’t impinge on or crush the freedom of another.
Government is still supposed to be the least possible power from the top. There is separation of those powers. Checks and balances. A brilliant system devised by brilliant men. Engraved in the Constitution, which still stands and applies. Despite everything that has been done to destroy it.
This political core of America, under great attack, is a philosophical and spiritual Center.
We should all see the Center in our minds every day.
Donald Trump gives the impression he sees it. And knows it. And is willing to go the whole distance in defending it.
But he has a few problems. He’s a salesman. He looks at what people want, and then he says he’s going to give it to them. Because, he says, he wants it, too. He doesn’t have a long attention span, especially when it comes to details. So he needs a great deal of help from people who can implement policies, who can make Idea into Fact. Trump doesn’t have a good track record at picking those people. Some of them turn out to be his enemies. Some are ordinary phonies.
The INNARDS of Trump are where the primary questions live: