(To read my prior ‘douchebaggery’ piece, go here.)
I’ve posted the article you’re about to read several times. It’s failed to gain traction at other sites.
So this is a new intro about THAT subject.
Over the years, several of my most damning revelations about the medical cartel have not been picked up by reporters—including alternative and independent investigators.
They may want to wound the medical crime syndicate, but they don’t want to take it down.
Some of them also recoil from presenting evidence that requires the reader to THINK along a line of reasoning.
For example, if I say the major COVID RNA vaccines WERE NEVER MEANT to prevent serious illness, hospitalization, or death, they check out. Too complicated. Even if an op-ed in the New York Times revealed that astonishing fact.
It’s perfectly all right to write a dense piece connecting 50 dots, when the dots are names of criminal officials and their agencies, but if the subject is scientific evidence, and the reader will have to follow the bouncing ball for four bounces…no dice.
That’s a shame. It’s a shame because, if we concede the territory of fake science, and avoid looking at the damning details, the fakery becomes embedded in medical literature. It becomes a stepping stone to more fakery. And more crime. And more human harm.