Even if you don’t watch television, you know pharmaceutical commercials run wall to wall, day and night.
Drug companies are rapacious. They’ll tout drugs for so-called medical conditions no one ever heard of. Just to squeeze a few more dollars out of insurance companies and government health plans.
These companies want patients galloping to their doctors demanding prescriptions for drugs they saw advertised on TV.
The companies want every American tossing pills and capsules down their mouths non-stop, unless they’re sleeping. And one day soon, I’m sure they’ll launch an ad blitz for skin patches that deliver people’s favorite drugs all through the night.
BUT as a veteran “TV analyst,” I can tell you companies are keeping best sellers off the screen. In the past year, I’ve seen NO commercials for:
How can that be?
For example, there is a giant virtually untapped market out there for what’s called Adult ADHD. The commercials would write themselves:
“As you get older, do you find your attention tends to wander? Do you find it harder to concentrate? Talk to your doctor. ADHD doesn’t just affect children. Adults can also be at risk. Ask your doctor about Adderall…”
And depression? Drug companies can sell that like candy or cell phones. Everybody and his brother thinks they’re depressed. Zoloft, Paxil, and Prozac are “the answers.”
So why aren’t these companies pushing the ADHD and depression drugs with zillions of ad dollars six ways from Sunday?
Because they know a whole lot of people out there in the towns and cities of America have had very bad experiences with them. And they don’t want to stir up those people.
The companies also know the antidepressants have led people to jump off rooftops and kill their neighbors. They don’t want to stir up THOSE memories.
In years past, both mainstream and independent reporters published scores of convincing articles discussing the antidepressant-suicide-murder connections. The companies don’t want to bring those reporters back to the table.
What about ADHD drugs? Well, they’re basically speed. Uppers. As any street addict can tell you, problems arise. Serious ones. Like speed crashes, which sink users into black despair. Too much speed (and that can be a different level for each person) and wild out of control behavior takes over.
The companies are willing to sacrifice major $$$ to keep their enemies at bay. To keep old memories dead. To keep the truth from coming out. About the ADHD and depression drugs.
And remember this: