(This article is Part-20 in a series on US Election Campaign Season; for Part-19, go here.)
Everybody knows the rising price of oil makes everything we buy more expensive. Like food.
And we all know the US can extract more oil from the ground than we are now. Much, much more.
Here are some facts.
There are billions and billions of barrels of oil waiting to be taken from the following areas:
Alaska. Outer Continental Shelf. California. Arctic Offshore. Rocky Mountain Region.
Estimated recoverable oil from these areas: 100 billion barrels.
With NO fracking.
Every year, the US has the need to buy about 3.3 billion barrels of oil from foreign countries.
By recovering oil from the above regions, we would have about 30 years during which we wouldn’t need to buy that foreign oil.
We could spend those 30 years developing actual new sources of energy. Not windmills.
My recommendations would be water turbines and hydrogen.
The tech exists to place huge numbers of turbines in rivers, and along our coastlines where the high and low tides vary greatly every day.
Hydrogen has been tested over and over in cars. It works.
So what are we waiting for?
We’re waiting for fake elite environmentalists and climate change liars with no science to change their minds and give the green light to drill for more oil. Which will never happen.
We’re waiting for these people and their globalist lunatic bosses to destroy the economy and the lives of all Americans.
Strategy: Stop waiting.
So there you have it. I just spelled out the next 30 years of US energy policy.
If I could do it, thousands of experts have already done it. They know. They just don’t say. And if they say, they don’t push. HARD.
Where are the oil companies?