HUGE: China suddenly leads America in AI, and it’s FREE, it’s FOR THE PEOPLE, BOOM
O the glory…O the covert op…
China has suddenly blown the doors open with its new AI product.
It’s called DeepSeek. (link, and link)
It’s designed in a whole new way. It doesn’t think the way ChatGPT thinks. It reasons “like a human.”
And behold, China is offering it to the world for free!
This bolt out of nowhere has geeks everywhere popping corks and drinking bubbly:
“THIS is what AI is supposed to be. A public utility, like electricity or water. Not a product owned by a small circle of hideous grotesque American billionaires.”
“Thank you, China. Thank you so very much.”
“China is an illustration of what happens when a government pursues enlightened social policy for The People.”
“My God, THIS is what David Rockefeller was so excited about when he came back from China.”
As news breaks about the new China miracle, social media is on fire with orgasmic posts from ecstatic little utopians.
And so I give you…
The year 2084: The Fauci Institute of Disease Control and Prevention
On the lawn of the Institute, a sprawling 16,000 acre federal compound built on the ashes of the 2067 fire which decimated five canyons in the Western Sector of Los Angeles, Director Header Crocks Richards, announced the fulfillment of the Fauci-Gates dream: Every citizen of the world had received all 84 recommended vaccines during the previous year.
Writing in the New York Times, chief medical correspondent Neal Fargosa III noted: