Nanoparticle: “ultrafine [sub-microscopic] unit with dimensions measured in nanometres (nm; 1 nm = 10 [to the minus 9] metre).”
In ADDITION to everything I’ve written about the horrendous RNA COVID shots, here are factors very few people are discussing.
First, remember we are dealing with VERY, VERY tiny particles (nanoparticles). The vaccines ARE these nanoparticles.
The particles present unique problems, which open the door to all sorts of errors.
Researchers in the lab create very small quantities of these particles. When you scale up to manufacturing tremendous quantities of the particles to make up the vials of vaccine, quality control is an awesome challenge.
All sorts of things can go wrong. The number of nanoparticles in each dose can vary. The physical placement (location) of each element in each particle can change. Meaning the structure changes. Meaning the human effects change.
These are not small issues. They’re gigantic.
I see no a way to guarantee quality control in manufacturing. It appears these companies make their case on the results of human clinical vaccine trials—which, as we know, were fraught with errors, lies, and basic deceptions.
Picture billions and billions of these tiny, tiny particles “coming off an assembly line”—and you have to find a way to make sure the number of these particles is uniform from vaccine-dose to dose. Then, even worse, you have to make sure the spatial placement of each element in each particle is correct and is the same, for all the particles.
If you can’t do these things, you automatically risk disastrous health effects in people who receive the vaccine.
—And THEN you just rely on the manufacturer, who blithely says, “Safe and effective.”
We aren’t even approaching the eternal problem of contamination, in the manufacturing process. Not just one kind of contamination. Multiple types: any foreign substance that finds its way to the coating of the nanoparticles, or to the vials, or to the liquid in the vials. Across a range of billions of doses of vaccine.
What I’m bringing up in this article isn’t esoteric. Every vaccine manufacturer is acutely aware of these problems. These just don’t talk about them. And neither does the press.