And it was easy.
Of course, I don’t work inside the building. I’m not a lawyer or a clerk.
In my spare time, I’m a dumpster diver.
I was walking by the building, I took a detour around the back, and I climbed into the big SCOTUS bin.
Sifting through shredded paper, bits of food, empty wine bottles, and old tattered robes, I found a folder containing the Alito draft document.
An hour later, in my motel room, I finished reading it.
I thought about calling Drudge. Or Revolver News. But I realized I should go straight mainstream. Politico seemed like a good bet.
The important thing for me, though, was AFTERMATH. Because I knew I wanted to confess. How could I play it?
I called Nancy Pelosi. I told her what I had. But I couldn’t understand a word she was saying. Sheer gibberish was coming out of her mouth. Maybe it was an interplanetary language.
Next, I tried Kamala Harris. All she did was giggle and cackle. I could practically smell the weed over the phone.
Finally, I settled on a straight shooter from the Democratic Party public relations wing. When I say straight shooter, I mean completely corrupt. Those are the people you can trust. They make sense. They see the possibilities. They have no principles that get in their way. They’re only interested in strategy.
When I finished explaining what I had, he said, “How much money do you want?”
I was on firm ground.
I named a figure. He said, “That’s doable. We have a cash delivery system. It’s reliable. Now, do you want to become a hero for life? Is that part of the deal?”
“It is,” I said. “First of all, no prosecution. No attempt in that direction. I’m not breaking any laws. Second, the big splash. When I go live and confess I’m the leaker, I want network coverage. Not just cable news bullshit. I’ll do MSNBC and CNN, but I’ll need a sit down with Lesley Stahl. Long form. Chuck Todd. George Crapalopalus. The initial reveal should be in a room with the national press.”
“I get it,” he said. “I want to bring in Senator Ed Markey. The two of you talk on camera. Dignified. We can get NBC to air it. But here’s the thing. In the run-up to the mid-term elections, there’ll be huge rallies. Pressure. You’ll have to be on tap to speak at those rallies.”
“No problem.”
He and I were on the same page right away.
By midnight, I’d met with him face to face. He’d looked over and read the Alito draft. He’d brought in analysts, who confirmed the document was legit. A pal of his at the NSA had run my profile and found no serious background problems. He’d spoken with Hillary and the de facto President, Susan Rice, and the other de facto President, Barack. They were on board.
“We can save the mid-terms,” he told me. “This is our wedge issue, and it’s enormous. The drive to register women to vote---that alone could make the difference. We’re going to put you up in a hotel for the duration. You’ll have the cash by tomorrow afternoon. I’m going to talk with George Soros. He’ll fix you up with a consulting position at one of his foundations. I’m also going to bring in a team to brief you and do makeup, hair, and clothes. You’re going to be the face of the Movement. Think of it as a six-month flash mob. Every day you’re out in front. Heralded as the person who made the difference. The hero who risked everything. We’re going to pump you up like a fucking giant balloon floating over a nation in turmoil.”
“I’m ready,” I said.
These things are pretty simple. It’s people who understand each other getting together. That’s all it takes.
I came, I found, I leaked. And I connected.
As far as abortion is concerned, I know nothing. I’m a man, I don’t have to know anything. I can maintain a necessary distance.
As they say, it’s not personal, it’s just business. And business is good. For me.
Of course I want to save the world and all that.
-- Jon Rappoport
(The latest Episode of Rappoport Podcasts -- Episode 7 -- "The Whole COVID and AIDS Fraud: My 35 Years of Investigation; The complete story for the first time" -- is up. It’s a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)
Jon also writes at and
You found good people. Trustworthy people. You did the right thing Jon. If it saves just one lie.
"I came, I found, I leaked. And I connected" A job well done. :-)