I keep coming back to the subject of OWNERSHIP, because it burns my ass. Alive in the land is the conviction that no one should own anything (a completely absurd and brain dead notion). The people who promote this “idea” are self-styled losers who want to be winners—and they think they can dethrone their enemies; namely, those who DO own something and do earn their own way and work and do have ambition and want to achieve. The listless losers are Marxists barnacles who attach themselves to The State as Provider; and The State cultivates them and is willing to support them. IN ORDER TO GAIN MORE POWER. It’s a desolate situation, and it’s getting worse. There are echoes of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged everywhere. The government is taking over the private sector with the assistance of betrayers within the private sector. All free men and women should despise what’s going on.
There is a direct line from Adam Weishaupt’s secret society, the Illuminati, which he formed in Bavaria in 1776, to Karl Marx, and onward to the modern Globalist agenda.
One of the key shared ideas: the abolition of private property.
Many people hold a negative view of Weishaupt, the Illuminati, and especially Marx, and so it fell to Globalists to couch their ideas about property in more acceptable terms.
That feat (one of many attempted) was expressed, in 1976, by Carla Hills, US Trade Representative and a key member of the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission. Hills is credited as the principal architect of the Globalist NAFTA Treaty, which has destructively affected the US and Mexican economies.
, author of the classic, Technocracy Rising, unearthed Hills’ brief statement on private property. I’ve broken it up into three parts, so I can comment after each mind-bending point.