I'm your next President in 2024. My father was in business with a Nazi
...A Nazi who was an assistant to notorious Nazi Adolph Eichmann -- a main organizer of the Holocaust
It makes a nice juxtaposition.
Let’s go to the scorecard.
ONE: “Otto von Bolschwing — An Eichmann Associate Who Became a CIA Source: …Otto von Bolschwing worked with Adolf Eichmann and helped devise programs to persecute and terrorize Germany's Jewish population. As the chief SS intelligence officer, first in Romania and then in Greece, he [Bolschwing] was the highest ranking German prosecuted by OSI [Office of Special Investigations (United States Department of Justice)].”
Source: US Department of Justice, The Office of Special Investigations: “Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust,” December 2008, p.259.
TWO: William Alfred Newsom III, GAVIN NEWSOM’S father, a judge and administrator of the Getty Family Trust, was attorney for a company called TCI [Trans-International Computer Investment Corporation]. It eventually crashed and burned in a stock scandal.
Source: “William Newsom — wikipedia”
THREE: A 1969 TCI memo indicates that ex-Nazi Otto von Bolschwing was brought into the company. In fact, he was made president of the company in 1970.
Judge Newsom and von Bolschwing traveled together in Europe in 1969 and 1970, on business.
“He [von Bolschwing] was suave and plausible,” Judge Newsom said. “He seemed to have all the credentials…He looked kind of world weary. He had the long cigarette holder, his hair was slicked back.”
Source: San Jose Mercury News, Nov. 20, 1981, by Pete Carey; “Ex-Nazi’s brilliant US career strangled in a web of lies.”
Carey’s article also indicates von Bolschwing’s appointment as president of TCI was a Getty move. A junior Getty. Of course, son Gavin’s business career, many years later, would feature Getty investment money. So there’s another thread, a $$ thread which might prove interesting to pursue.
Fun facts.