In 1994, I ran for a seat in the US Congress from the 29th District in Los Angeles. Democratic Primary against the incumbent, Henry Waxman. I lost. I wasn’t satisfied with the vote-count numbers. I suspected fiddling…but I lost.
During the campaign, reality set in about corruption in Washington DC. I began to wonder what the hell I’d do in Washington if I won. Was there any action I could take that would be effective?
My final conclusion was: I’d hire trucks to drive around DC every day. On very large posters on those trucks, there would be side by side statements showing where members of Congress got their money, and related bills they voted for.
CORRUPT CONGRESSMAN OF THE WEEK, JOHN SMITH. Donors named. Connected bills Smith voted for.
Because I saw no other way to handle political reality in Washington and in the Congress.
Recently, there was the threat something like this (but much worse) would happen, if Matt Gaetz was confirmed as the next Attorney General.
Gaetz would go after members of Congress hammer and tongs. With prosecutions for taking bribes, and other crimes.
Gaetz is out. Trump’s new choice is Pam Bondi. I suspect she isn’t going to follow the path Gaetz would have taken.
She should, but I don’t think she will.
Congress pretty much runs on crime. If you don’t root that out, you’re just playing in the sandbox, as far as the city of Washington DC is concerned.
Of particular interest to me—favors, bribes, even blackmail, involving the Congress and pharmaceutical companies.
There IS one thing Trump can do. If he has the guts: