(This is Part-1; for Part-2, go here; for Part-0, go here)
Make him tell you EVERYTHING HE KNOWS ABOUT VACCINES, because…
As the newly confirmed Secretary of Defense, you say your top priority is getting soldiers combat ready…
But all the vaccines the DOD is shooting into soldiers’ arms every year are weakening them…
And as long as that goes on…
You’ll never have the fighting force you need.
Kennedy understands all this; he’s just not talking about it publicly.
But he’ll talk to you.
I’m confident he will.
You’re a tough guy. You’re not interested in bullshit.
We’re looking at something very serious here, Pete. The deterioration of the population.
No country in history has ever shot as many vaccines into the arms of its people, starting at birth, and continuing for the rest of their lives.
These vaccines contain toxic material. All of them do.
Kennedy can recite chapter and verse for you.
The bureaucrats in the military will fight you every inch of the way once you bring up vaccines, because they’re bureaucrats. You’ll have to go through them. I know you can.
You’ve already made a good start, by promising to reinstate all the soldiers (with back pay) who refused the COVID shots and were discharged. Ask them WHY they wouldn’t take the vaccine. They’ll have interesting things to say.
Their objections apply to all the other vaccines, whether they know it or not.
This issue is make or break, Pete. Under pressure, Kennedy will tell you that. You can’t have combat ready men who are loaded with vaccines.
Look around at this country, Pete. Look at the people. Are they healthy? They’re looking worse every year. It isn’t just the food or the chemicals in the environment. If vaccines did what their promoters claimed, Americans would be free from all sorts of illness. Their immune systems would be operating at top efficiency. The shots don’t do what they’re supposed to do. Beyond that, none of them was ever subjected to an authentic safety study. Kennedy has said this publicly. He’ll give you ALL the details on that phony situation.
You’re in charge of the DOD now. Top dog. It’s your show. Drill down deep into this issue, Pete. You’ll be shocked at what you discover.
People like to label all sorts of stuff “National Security.” Well, this issue smashes right into REAL National Security.
And makes it completely INSECURE.
Go to work, Pete.
Under the surface of America, millions of Americans know the truth about vaccines.
We’re counting on you.
-- Jon Rappoport
Childen’s Health Defense will be hosting a live stream of Bobby’s Senate Confirmation Hearings, here.
“The Art of the Byzantine Soulless Psychopath Poison-Vaccine Injection Procurement Deal” | by Tom Kudla | (link)
Delivering toxins seems to be the one and only purpose of "vaccines."
It amazes me in the press how they previously heaped admiration and respect on RFK Jr when he was fighting for environmental issues. He was particularly praised for his intellect and attention to detail. Startling how this fourth pillar of democracy has now turned 180 on him, totally without merit, painting RFK Jr as a mental case when it comes to vaccinations. The venal mainstream media sinks to new lows because it’s tied at the hip with Big Harma.