This is no small question. It’s huge.
COVID proved that. On the basis of the test alone, millions of people were falsely diagnosed with the disease.
Let me back up. 99.99999999999999 of medical professionals believe the fairy tale called VIRUSES is real. They’ll always believe it, all the evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.
So this article operates within that insane context, because that’s where the pros live and breathe and work.
The PCR test searches for a piece of RNA which is part of a virus. When it finds that piece, it blows it up to a relatively enormous size. A size that can be observed.
Because in its original size, it was far too tiny to detect.
That’s called a clue. If the piece of RNA was so “tiny and alone,” why would anyone think it could cause a disease?
Traditional medical research asserts you need a whole crowd, a whole large mob of a particular virus to create disease.
So the PCR test is mortally flawed at the outset.
On top of this, the test can be adjusted to become even more sensitive. Meaning it will find not just a tiny, tiny remote RNA fragment, but a much, much, much TINIER fragment.
Such an adjustment is made by most testing labs. The PCR is tuned up to become more sensitive. Therefore, the useless test becomes even more useless.
In fact, the inventor of the PCR, Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, went on the record many times and said the test was never designed for detecting the cause of a disease.
Yet…it IS used for that purpose: