Reuters reporter expresses deep concern over free speech
She deserves the thanks of a grateful nation; we must censor whatever she may not like. Can't somebody build a statue of her and place it on the White House lawn?
During a White House press briefing on 11/29, veteran Reuters reporter Andrea Shalal poured this out: “There’s a researcher at Stanford who says this is a critical moment, um, ensuring that Twitter does not become a vector for misinformation. Are you concerned about, you know, Elon Musk says there’s more and more subscribers coming on. Are you concerned about this, what tools do you have and who at the White House is keeping track of this?”
Well, Andrea, there’s, um, a researcher in my back yard who says the 1st Amendment takes precedence.
And people have to put up with speech they don’t like, because, um, that’s the whole premise of an open society.
Not only that, um, but in case you haven’t thought about this, putting people in charge of censoring so-called misinformation means you’re putting people in charge of free speech.