Suppose the whole federal bureaucracy is a criminal enterprise?
And you take over as President
Who do you think was one of the first, or maybe THE first reporter, to blow the whistle on the whole MEDICAL scam called COVID, from top to bottom?
And who was one of the first, if not THE first reporter, to go after Trump, hammer and tongs, for launching Warp Speed, which led to the poisonous COVID shot?
And who relentlessly pounded on Trump for allowing the national lockdowns, which destroyed countless businesses and lives?
So I’m not looking at Trump now through any rose-colored glasses.
He’s doing great things with his Executive Orders, but that doesn’t make him a saint. No President in my lifetime deserves that status. I’m 86, so I go back a long way. Every President I’ve seen has committed serious crimes.
Some people apparently think Trump is the first.
As an illustration of Trump’s EOs, take the one which bans hospitals from performing gender surgeries. Assuming federal funding was provided to those hospitals and for that purpose, and assuming Congress approved the money, specifically, for that purpose, Trump’s EO was illegal…
Because, according to the Constitution, Congress holds the purse strings. When Congress approves money, it must stay approved. A President can’t cancel it.
But when we see hospitals, even in blue states, standing up and saluting Trump’s EO, and stopping those surgeries, we know they’re complying because they know if they don’t, he’ll cut off their money. Which by law, he can’t do.
So they’ll take him to court. I don’t know what arguments Trump’s lawyers will make in court, but I know what my position is:
The surgeries are medical torture. Castration. Mastectomies. The front called “gender-affirming care” is just that, a front.
If Trump’s EO saves one child from that torture, I’m happy.
Now, if Trump had followed strict procedure, his lawyers would have filed a motion in court to stop the surgeries or vacate the federal funding without Trump having signed an Executive Order.
And we would see that motion move through the court system for the next three years, at minimum, while the war-criminal surgeons continued to perform their torture. And in the end, the motion would fail.
So even though the EO was probably illegal, I’m not weeping and gnashing my teeth. Plus I know that the EO is provoking legal objections now, and there will be many days in court.
The real and biggest crime is the medical torture.
I see absolutely no way, which is legal and squeaky clean from the outset, to stop it. The torture is protected by laws and regulations.
Many of Trump’s EOs command actions which are illegal, and he’s out in the open about what he’s doing, and he’s basically inviting legal challenges. His justification is: