8:06AM ET: The Fat Gray Lady (NY Times) Just Sang, about the Garbage People and the Election
Let me be clear. I trust Trump as far as I can throw him. I’ve made my reasons clear, a hundred times.
But here is the NY Times spin on that subject: “He [Trump] played on fears of immigrants and economic worries to defeat Vice President Kamala Harris.”
See, if you look an inch below the surface of that statement, it’s a slam against all the MAGA people—they had FEARS and WORRIES…
As if ACTUAL immigration and the economy were quite OK. The fears and worries were entirely misplaced. And stupid.
Right. The gangs taking over apartment complexes and raping girls and the open borders invitation to every psycho on Earth to come get a room in a hotel in a Sanctuary City….that’s just a fear, a delusion, it isn’t really HAPPENING. And the $14 bag of grapes somebody is holding in his hand at the market, and his worry over that…it also isn’t happening and it too is a delusion. I did hold such a bag and it did cost $14 in case you don’t believe it.
This is the Fat Gray Lady’s hustle. The Garbage MAGA people are insane and deluded and completely paranoid. They have unfounded FEARS and WORRIES.
The snug smug pricks at the Times have nice paychecks for groceries and gas and they’re sure they live far away enough from illegal aliens to avoid getting stabbed. They have no fears and worries, and therefore anyone who DOES needs help for a mental issue.
If I were rewriting that lead sentence for Times, it would go this way: