You keep writing, and as long as I'm interested I'll keep reading and paying. Naked capitalism. We both get what we want from the arrangement. Keeps both of us hungry.

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I'm with you Jon, six bucks a month is cheap, you should be charging ten. I know you love your work, but it's still work and deserve to make a few bucks. Hell, an iced coffee at Starbucks cost five bucks and it's gone in an hour. Your articles and podcasts are worth far more than a hundred cups of Starbucks and last in the mind for days.

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"Maybe I'm a surrealist." Ha! Genius! Your writing is like a guaranteed intelligent ride, not like the roller coaster or the Ferris wheel, but just something that always raises life force. Maybe those swings. I'm not sure why I am stuck on amusement park ride metaphors. Anyway, you're a treasure. About all this, I must think. My sense of money is that all of mine is in safe keeping with two outstanding camels making their way across the Sahara. They didn't want me to have it until I had solved the riddle of the Sphinx. One does not rush camels.

I know I must change my mentality around income. It's so uncomfortable for me to receive but that's not the "starving writer" in me, it's the damned Farber in me.

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Love your take on "The Crypto"

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Excellent, except with money being only a means/construct of trade for goods/ service, if the banks go bust it just means their fake ass insurers went lights out first cause the banks will not operate without being insured(FDIC) FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION. It is all a giant scheme of theft and illegal/unlawful conversion. Ask yourselves, why would a CORP use the word FEDERAL in it’s name? Just like the Federal Reserve has nothing to do with the government of, by and for the people, a private banking consortium is what it was cause they also went belly up & JP MORGAN/CHASE JOINT VENTURE acquired the names FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD OF GOVERNORS/FEDERAL RESERVE…big-time conmen have been in our midst for longer than anyone alive now cares to know, but they pulling the con are laughing their asses off while the victims consent by not objecting to this outright piracy being committed on our land, time to start bitching LOUDLY people. These European bankers and conmen got their foot in the door with the help of the tories & traitors here, our history has been re-written by these foreign interests to hide their crimes.

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No Need for little badges for some self-gratification. All I want is Good CONTENT.

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I so Love your very Honest perspective! I laugh. I enjoy, i revel. Then i laugh some more !

You make me réalise how happy i am, in spite of all the conditioned and convinced compartmentalised perspective out there. T H A N K YOU!

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What exactly do you mean by nothing you used the word..the concept.. maybe you will be the first person ever to be able to define that insidious conscious construct to me health, mike

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Deeeeeeeep AND Funny!

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I paid $100 for 1 hour of time to be taught crypto, and got the run down and even set up a wallet. But it went over 1 hour so I was charge $200. She lost my trust right there, done.

Im was watching a very popular crypto minister doing his walking video podcasts thru Mexico during the plandemic. Very good and comforting talks (recruiting) during covid shut downs. I bought his brand new book. It was about his gloating prediction on fox news 10 years ago on how America goes down. I thought about it. And I think, sure many people could become anarchist and I could dig that, and that is fine to me. But I have decided to honor the Republic as if it is still the Law of this Land. Because of what it is based on, protected individual freedom. And if that is ultimately valid, even a itsy bitsy bit, that is where my loyalties lie. If people cant see that the Republic is the very thing that that allows the freedom we want to be protected, and they don't, whether your a social warrior or crypto recruiter bent on being right even with the devastation of all the people in this country, then you're not to bright. More Freedom and Prosperity. Not just fake wealth.

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Money is the most important Social Institution. That's why it has always been attacked.

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"Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!" This immortal line from "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre," was masterfully delivered by the infamous bandit leader in response to the Gold Fever-afflicted, Fred C. Dobbs asking to see the bandits' Federale badges. We wouldn't have the memory of that classic declaration without the original version written by B. Traven, in his 1927 novel. Traven wrote the whole dialogue with its surprisingly vulgar original response to the request for the bandits' badges. I would guess that he fully intended to receive remuneration for his novel. I hope he was well-paid for the product of his creative mind, drawing-on time-consuming "research" in his life experience in early-1900s Mexico!

Why did the bandit leader react so volatilely to Dobbs' request? Because Dobbs had put a name to the lie he was peddling. Had he and his cohort been lawmen, they would have sported badges on the bandoleros that crossed their chests. Dobbs was supposed to go-along with the charade without challenging the legitimacy of the proclaimed authority of these highwaymen. Instead, he shattered the bandit delusion with his demand for proof of their professional status. They couldn't provide it because they were only professionals at terrorizing and robbing travellers. Hence, no stinkin' badges adorned their chests.

Now, I'm not saying the commenters here, and at the link Jon provided to the Substack comment thread, are highwaymen! But, I am calling-out the many readers, here, and writers at the link, who have posted comments whining about writers actually being recognized and rewarded for providing their intangible, creative "products," for the benefit of patrons, the remuneration of creators, and building the Substack brand.

I thought I was reading Ayn Rand's "The Fountainhead," and "Atlas Shrugged!" As Jon Rappoport does so brilliantly, Miss Rand had an insightful knack for realistic dialogue showcasing the inanities and naked desire of parasites and looters steeped in the indoctrination of collectivist philosophy, as too many Substack writers proclaimed altruistic intentions behind the writing product they offer. I even saw a reference by a Substack writer to establishing equity, instead of the rewards of "badges!"

I heard echoes of Lillian and the other Reardens, James Taggart, Cuffy Meigs, and others, railing against the producers who provided them wealthy comfort, as they looted the hard-earned fruits of productive labor.

And, there were the ones who downplayed their own success on Substack, as they complained about the new "badge-of-honor" reward system intended to reimagine Bestseller Book Lists adapted to the online market.

Let's face it: Substack owns the forum. Writers are invited to use Substack's platform--with, or without charging for their products--Substack believes in incentivizing writers, by allowing them freedom to charge for their writing--or, not!--The objectors to the "badge" program characterize readers as fickle, or mindless, unable to determine for themselves whose writing they want to read, if some sites are "badged," and others are not. In reality, they just fear their content will not be good-enough to draw readers to their site, when those readers are perceived to be mindless, malleable morons. If they really think so lowly of their targeted audience, why do they want readers at all?

Methinks they protesteth too much! They want to be good collectivists, seeking pats on the head, kudos, and to be dragged kicking and screaming (wink, wink!) to the trough to partake of redistributed wealth earned by the real writers whose creations help to subsidize those who can't--or are afraid to--ask for fair value for their products.

As for the readers protesting a mere $6, just because they don't want to pay ANY money to read, learn and enjoy the produce of Jon Rappoport's brilliant mind--even if they don't agree with everything he writes--they are either ignorant, or looting parasites; either way, they seek to benefit from his writing for free.

Writers who produce quality thoughts-on-paper EARN value-for-value. It is time for more of these wordsmiths to be able to earn-a-living with their invaluable offerings to their fellow-man.

If "stinkin' badges" are one way this can be accomplished, then, let the producers earn them, and perhaps some of the looters will open their minds to understand Biblical admonitions, such as: "A laborer is worth his hire!" and, Don't muzzle the ox as he grinds the grain.

Speaking of The Holy Bible, the man who proclaims his username is, "Jesus is King," has no clue that God is not a god of "social justice" looters! And, Jesus is not a king who rewards he who scoffs at those who use words in pursuit of Truth, in any form. ["In the Beginning was the Word . . . " And, Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me."] Brute force physical labor is not the sole manifestation of man's means of earning a living! [Although, there are exhausting labors involved in writing, and other productive activities, to which I can attest as I write these words at 4:30AM, when I should have gone to sleep hours ago! I'll feel it when I try to awaken and rise in just a few hours! Funny, I recall how my mother never understood that working on an assembly line for 8, 10, or 12-hours a day is also draining and exhausting!]

So, you who toot your own narcissistic horn with the audacity and hubris of calling yourself, "Jesus is King," you would do well to stop dwelling where "It's All about you," and learn to understand what it means to: "Stop, and smell the roses!"

And, Jon, I appreciate your brilliant writing-style and voice! I am glad to be a subscriber to your work after years of receiving your gems for free!

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“Shrunken genitals” 😂 just the good laugh I had out of that to start my day was worth so much more to my mental and physical health than any subscription fee which is more than deserved. Your lucidity of thought is second to none, well done...with your entire work, naturally. You’re a pillar of sanity (in and ocean of madness) with which hope is fortified!

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"I prefer a flame thrower on the mantle piece" me to brilliant

Jesus is king LOL have you got nothing better to do than share your misery nobody is interested in your smartarse aggresion whats your name and game you gutless pos FUCK OFF

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