To offset The Innocence Project, I suggest forming The GUILTY PROJECT
Plus, Fear & trembling when satire rides into town -- "Most sites and blogs won't touch satire. Makes them nervous"; and, Money? Just stupid pieces of green paper and you're a son of a bitch felon
Three articles today. Buckle up.
ARTICLE ONE: The Guilty Project
You’ve heard of The Innocence Project.
Investigators find and represent people in prison who are really innocent of the crimes they’ve been convicted of.
There’s a great deal of attention paid to men in prisons. How they turn their lives around, how they come to religion, and so on.
To offset all this, I suggest forming The GUILTY PROJECT.
It would be an effort to prove certain men in prison are guiltier than the courts and judges have determined.
They’ve committed other heinous crimes. They’re enjoying privileges in prison they’re not entitled to. The sentence that put them in jail was far too light.
That sort of thing.
A gang leader is in jail? Take away his cell phone and cut him off from the Internet. Prove he committed six other murders and ordered a hundred. Show that he doesn’t care AT ALL. Publish THAT piece in the NY Times.
A guy murdered the daughter of an ex-Marine. The Marine father comes to prison and the two men have a conversation. For five or six hours.
The Marine isn’t there to forgive the killer. He’s basically there to tell the killer he’s the lowest of low scum. All kinds of things are said by both men. No holds barred. Nothing censored.