Unfortunately, one of the places where the Deep State and massive land grabs meet is MEDICAL.
Medical is an area where Trump has a huge blind spot. He also has his own reputation to protect; he launched Warp Speed, the op that resulted in the RNA COVID vaccines, and their massive global destruction of human life.
In 1988, while I was writing my first book, AIDS INC., I came across the Deep State in action. In Africa.
That continent has been the scene of foreign land-grabs for a long time. A number of nations treat Africa as a prime target for mining and corporate agriculture.
When I say nations, I mean governments, corporations, and financiers, working in concert. THAT’S an element of Deep State.
The Deep State makes deals with corrupt African political leaders. Mining and agriculture deals.
To achieve land takeovers, the native populations of African countries have to be kept in a condition of weakness and debilitation. So they can’t rebel.