On taking office, Trump ordered a blackout at HHS, FDA, NIH, and CDC. Meaning no external communications from these agencies would be permitted.
For example, no weekly Morbidity and Mortality reports from the CDC. No new studies published by any of the above agencies. No public service announcements urging people to get particular vaccines.
This blackout is a temporary pause.
Trump did the same thing just after he took office in 2016. At that time, it seemed his reason had to do with EPA regulations—he didn’t want new regs published.
What is he thinking now?
Scientists and bureaucrats at the health agencies are in an uproar, up on their hind legs, protesting the “censorship of vital health information.”
Trump and his team had to know they’d be stimulating this reaction. Did they want to create panic? Did they want to instill fear? Did they want to disorient the arrogant “princes of medicine” and put them off their game?
Is the blackout a hint of things to come? Worse things for the princes?