Who plays George Washington in the Hollywood remake?
Plus, "We don't need no stinkin' permits. Yes you do"; and, Birds of a Feather: "Equity, Equity, Justice, Justice" -- The Woke Lawyer's Curse
Three articles today. The writer never sleeps.
ARTICLE ONE: Who plays George Washington in the Hollywood remake?
Memo regarding planned production of “The American Revolution”:
“…on the issue of the George Washington character: I’m liking Bernie Sanders. As a bonus, we get him to agree he won’t run for President again in 2024. Bernie plays a socialist George Washington.”
“There is no Revolutionary War of 1776. Instead, the Colonies submit to the British King, who’s played by Rachel Maddow. Rachel installs the principle of government ownership of the means of production.”
“We need a transgender black woman to play William Shakespeare. She outlaws gender pronouns.”
“I was really hoping we could cast a Mexican soap actor in the role of Fidel Castro, the first American vice-president. But my team pointed out Fidel raises the issue of toxic masculinity.”
“So it looks like Che Guevara will be the vice-president under Bernie. A surprise suggestion for the actor was Tony Fauci, but we want Tony for Thomas Paine.”
“Ben Franklin? Colin Kaepernick. And LeBron James for the British General Howe, if he’s willing. George Soros is on board as Abe Lincoln. We bring Lincoln in to cast the deciding vote to approve the final draft of the Constitution in a Miami nightclub.”
“We’re negotiating with a child killer serving a life sentence in Kansas. He transitioned in prison, and we want to test him for the role of James Madison.”
“The whole idea is to retell American history and keep retelling it, in a number of films. Eventually, people won’t remember a shred of what actually happened. It’s the only way to reach our goal of installing a developmentally disabled child as the actual President in the Oval Office. Biden is just a prelude. We have to go a lot further. This is an all-hands-on-deck operation. It’s crucial to our success.”
The memo eventually found its way to the desk of the Attorney General of the United States. He called the Director of the FBI, who called the head of the NSA, who called Hillary Clinton, who was drunk.
She said, “Claim you found the memo in Putin’s safe. The Russians wrote it. They were going to blackmail the US political Left with it. They’re trying to put Trump back in the White House…”