It has occurred to me that Thomas Paine was working a better audience. Alas.

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That was before newspaperthink.

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"...means finding every gift of money the US is making to t̵h̵o̵s̵e̵ 𝒂𝒍𝒍 nations w̵h̵o̵ ̵a̵r̵e̵ ̵s̵e̵n̵d̵i̵n̵g̵ ̵u̵s̵ ̵t̵h̵u̵g̵s̵ ̵a̵n̵d̵ ̵g̵a̵n̵g̵s̵t̵e̵r̵s̵ and cutting off every penny of that money."

Period. End of. No qualifiers. None. No authority (in the Natural Law) exists for any gang -- no matter how nicely dressed -- to steal and send monetary "gifts" anywhere...

Yes, a few good men stared down the British Empire -- and won. How? Because they had the inspiration of a brilliant 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 -- the boldness and philosophy of which had never before been declared "for a candid world."

The 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 is the source of the American philosophy, and more importantly, the inspiration, the ideal of what it means to be...American.

The Constitution? "Brilliant?" Some might think so. I, OTOH, think the 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 is where it's at.

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Excellent inspiring essay. And another tactic is to get active and involved in local elections , where the principle of the lesser magistrate can counter many unconstitutional federal mandates. Vote well locally ,because it’s far more important even than voting nationally.

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Jon, This is so well written. I wish I had your gift! I don’t. One can feel the emotions you’re feeling. Personally I feel the same way. I’m sure many of your subscribers do as well.

I do believe an offensive stance and destroying the Sanctuary movement is long overdue.

From my perspective, the enemy is here, within, taking the actions you’re recommending we take, against us! I see them doing it via a more clandestine, insidious way. Through the job market and Corporations. They are using corporations to obscure their plans from the public while simultaneously carry out this plans. They aren’t hiring natural US citizens, only H1Bs and naturalized citizens. The job requirements for the US Government (Fed, State, and Local) are sourced via Vendor Management Organizations (a form of centralization) and parsed to the lowest bidder, mostly foreign companies like India and Pakistan (British Commonwealths) who then sub-contract (now they’re getting passive income that works like an annuity (they only have to cut a check) and hire an American for a wage one got 35 years ago as a starting salary. Think about that form of economic and financial terrorism! That might be excellent money for a Mexican or Indian entering the US, but for a US Citizen that’s economic and financial decimation! That means their salary never kept pace w inflation! They’re losing big time! And our Government is facilitating it! They can’t pay a peaceful worker but they can pay a sharp shooting mercenary to go to Afghanistan or Ukraine, $750,000 a year, plus benefits, to murder people in the guise of national security.

Such a crock.

But when I tell people this, it falls on deaf ears. We’re all going to be living in tent cities if we don’t stop this. I’m too old but people need to wake up!

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"I write because I see America is obsessed with comfort and security and yet is fanatically unwilling to gaze straight into the storm that is taking our security away." THIS. Of course gazing into it and doing something effective about takes something no one wants to talk about.

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There is a hidden enemy. It is the fallen spirit of man. And it has always used us in service of its purpose to be equal to God. (Look back to the Tower of Babel.) You are right, Jon, we must stand up now. Right now. But I think that will involve seeing who is being used with such great power against us. The leaders of this opposition to humanity are God's own "firstborn" people who have been used to hate Him. They have become captives of the devil, and are intent upon making the rest of us the same. I studied with one (a Chassidic Jew) for 20 years, and he told me all Jews are of a different and higher species from nonJews, and that they were created to rule over the rest of us, who they believe have no soul and are worthy to be killed or to become their servants. (Read Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shakah.) My "friend" is very sophisticated and civilized to the nth degree in appearance and actions. But I now know that he has been a deceiver and a liar. And yet I love him still, because he is also a victim. Until we are "born again" in the God/man we are all victims of our own fallen spirit. But the Jews, God's Chosen, are leading the way from the cover of darkness as the satan's way of thumbing his nose at the God/man. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers and spirits that rule over us from within (Ephesians 6). We must wake up. Realize that whoever we cannot criticize must be working against us. They are. Even secular Jews are working with the fundamentalists within their financial support system, which is based in usury against the rest of us. This is nothing new, and it has blossomed right here in the USA and now reaches into the whole world. There is no other fallen power on earth as great and hidden. But we can defeat it with the help of God, because it is against all humanity. It is not an outside alien force. It is within every one of us until we surrender to the real God.

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Correct! We must be courageous and NAME the enemy! They took our once great nation hostage way back in 1913 with the creation of the power to print money - THE FEDERAL RESERVE system. The very next agency they created after the FED was (in 1914) of course the muscle enforcement agency with power to destroy if you fail to comply: the IRS.

They control the whole world because they control the money.

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...and you are a very good writer, Jon...as they say in French , "chapeau"!

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I write to add my voice and consciousness to a movement of real freedom, I write so that others may read my words and rouse themselves from a deep mind-controlled slumber, I write because every waking moment of my day is dedicated to some action that has real meaning. Jon, as always thank you for your words, your research, and above all never losing faith that we do make a difference. ❤️‍🔥 Hearts that are on fire can't be put out.

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Ah, who wants to keep a Republic? That’s so old school. It’s time for the masses to be ruled by a strong authoritarian elite and their managerial technocrats! Just can’t trust the common human in running a Republican franchise.

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Sep 25·edited Sep 25

As we see more and more people struggling financially we get to be constantly reminded by "BIG BROTHER" (govt, msm, corporatocracy) that others are buying a second mansion or a new Ferrari or going on another exotic vacation from a job they barely have to show up for...Okay, I'm not one who's struggling but I have children and friends who are...this is all by design. Nothing on the world stage or in politics is organic or an accident. "They" have been planning for their NWO and our destruction for decades if not a century or two and it is speeding up big time. Covid was a test that we failed miserably so I'm quite concerned we will fail again when the test has bigger consequences. They divide us through every possible means and the financial one has more of us becoming desperate and ready to stand up while those who've benefitted the most from this upside down world (too bad the Baby Boomers were so easily decieved and bought into the system where the family got destroyed) enjoy their lavish lifestyle without much thought of those who were purposely destroyed as part of the plan. Divide and conquer in every which way they can.

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The power of pen to paper (or typing out the equivalent electronic version) is very powerful on many levels. It is powerful for the author to turn an idea or theory into a well thought out argument. This is empowering and satisfying. Since we are all connected on some level these arguments invisibly transmit out to others and may help shift the collective mindset. Those that read the written words are effected on some level. Plus it is a record for posterity that might help future generations.

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It's confounding that on the one hand you want the border closed and sanctuary entities demolished. On the other hand, the only person who has a smidgen of a chance to do it, you rather see him, out of the picture. If Kennedy and Trump work together, i pray they make a huge difference. So much is broken and must be forgotten and left behind, for a fully peaceful world and healthy humanity.

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Thank You Jon. A song by Jackson Browne from the 80s called "Lives In The Balance" came to mind while I was reading your writing today. The song is still relevant too.

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Big pharma and the medical system are murdering millions every year.

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I read because I want understand my environment. I read toI be in that environment .

I read because it passes on intelligence that otherwise I would not be aware of.

Our country is worth saving. I learned that by reading how intelligence minds put together our Constitution for individual freedom. That without out that intelligence and without protecting that, it won't be front and center. Something else most definitely would be in its place.

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And what is the Law that emboldened the American Revolution and formed the basis of the Constitution? Gave it its validity? The 𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏. https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/everyday-is-the-day-to-remember-reaffirm?utm_source=publication-search

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..... jon , your heartfelt wishes Are Being Fulfilled . ( God is not a man that He should lie - neither the son of man that He should repent - - hath He said and shall He not do it - or hath He spoken and shall He not make it good ) . ............so, if we die w our 'boots on' trying , or live to see Isaiah's Kingdom - IT IS dawning now as we write . Blessings to the Children that shall live a thousand years in this Light (and giving their thanks to you and all fighters making it a reality ) . shalom

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