James Woods as FBI director. YES!! I could live with that one.
The Trump vaccine thing....is the most puzzling thing. He would be a perfect hammer
to the nail of all the shit going on, except for that one teeny tiny thing, which has far reaching
implications as Jon talks about here.
Well, certainly his daughter gave the shots to his grandkids. So right there is part of
the quagmire he is in. I wonder if Melania took it and Barron too?
A fact that is unpleasant as hell is:
The shots stopped the lunatics from continuing to shut down the world.
The deaths along with the pain and suffering caused by them are collateral damage for the"greater good". That is how the children's vaccine schedule is looked upon. There will be deaths of unfortunate kids (and their parents) but the numbers are a drop in the bucket compared to the millions of kids who are protected from deadly (and not so deadly) "diseases".
All I know is, for me, I need to ignore lots of things in order to be able to function on a daily basis
without losing my friggin mind, as my 2 adult kids, plus my 3 grandkids have taken (been given) these shots. Plus the grands have been given every single one on the schedule.
I have kvetched about this endlessly on Jon's websites since 2021!
So just that one thing if I think about it for too long, can disrupt my life. So I am "choosing" to ignore
Unfortunately I think Kennedy is disingenuous. He knows about germ theory and contagion being disproven yet it doesn’t follow his business model so he ignores it and promotes the germ hypothesis by writing his book on gain of function. He has always promoted choice with all the vaccines. When people realize that the man behind the curtain has no powers the whole vax industry will fold. I’ve also heard the excuse that people aren’t “ready” to hear this information. I don’t want any “authority figure” or politician telling me what I am ready to hear. That’s just plain old censorship. None of these candidates are good choices. It’s just a dog and pony show.
"Bait and switch, double-cross, limited hangout, hoax, and high-level chess made to look like ordinary checkers for the suckers." Man, you said it Jon...
Personally I think Rogers would be a good VP choice.. and I think there is a path to victory for the Kennedy/Rogers team.. the Donald effectively lost a large portion of the Independent vote with his Blab about the Jab.. incredibly stupid and revealing.. the Death Jab is a significant aspect of this election.. the primary last month in TX had an amendment on the ballot about Choice regarding vaccines, 92% said they want Choice... do Not want forced vaccinations.. most of those votes will go to Kennedy..
But, agreed, RFK,Jr. is in the game but will not reach half time.
45 needs to come clean. Pence, Fauci, Brix and Redfield are the dark faces in the woodpile. He should say so. Apologize to the public. Tell the public as soon as he mentioned Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine he got slammed for telling the truth. I made a mistake going forward with Operation Warp Speed. The bureaucrats I inherited from the NIH and CDC particularly, lied to me and the American public . I put Pence in charge of coordination. He failed me. He failed the American public. But, ultimately the decision was mine. Many unnecessary illnesses and deaths resulted .
I offer each of you my personal apology.
The kick back from the Left, the MSM and BigPharma would be loud and condemning were he do to so.
But, it would resonate outside the Beltway and with the MAGA populist movement, I opine.
OK my two cents. First of all I don't take vaccines. I am a retired nurse. Hear me out. I read a lot related to geopolitics, no MSM though. Trump is a master businessman, negotiator, deal maker and was fin the process of breaking up the 16 year plan that was in play and would have played out if the witch won. He is not a medical person. Things were going great and then this plandemic thing erupts. It's on his plate. He is the president and the country is petrified as a whole. (Personally I did not buy into it, but I am unlike the majority that trusts the medical cartel and goes along with whatever they say) From what I gathered, his Operation WS was not what Faucie and all expected. In other words, he threw a monkey wrench into their plan, throwing them off course. They wanted longer lock-downs and many more ways to disrupt our lives. Trump did recommend alternative treatments. What could he have done, with all these regulatory groups breathing down his neck? Tell the people to just go about your own business and do not fall under their spell. What could he do? I also read or heard that at least a third of those vials were saline. They could not have everyone drop dead at the same time. BTW as a nurse, I do know that every time you administer a vaccine, it has to be entered into a computer data base.If you want to take the time to track back, it is possible. I also wish I would hear his side of the story, and who knows, maybe one day we will. I will continue to support the man.
Good to see someone else realize "Operation Warp Speed" had nothing to do with the jab.
For all the out-of-the-box thinking Rappoport claims to do, he's certainly boxed in on this. Cursory research would reveal the jab had been in development for years and it had to be rolled out when it was to derail DJT and his agenda to dismantle the Deep State. "Covid" was nothing more than a smokescreen to justify pushing the jab. There is truth in the axiom that if you repeat the lie often enough...
Trump is, was, and always will be an egotistical rich spoiled kid from Queens who never apologizes. He's perfect Presidential Material i.e. dog shit.
Elections don't matter. Nothing changes. RFK Jr., as Jon says, is going nowhere just like Dr. Paul went nowhere but Dr. Paul got his message out. The Bumble Dicks won't make that mistake again. RFK Jr. is ignored, banned, and nowhere to be seen on MSM or even alternative media.
a vote for RFK jr is a vote for the lesser evil. He was a Hillary supporter. His views on Israel are just as bad as TRump or Biden.. He had said that business people not supporting manmade CO2 will cause climate catastrophe should be put in jail. A better candidate is Shiva for President. There is a reason you have never heard he is running for President. He will talk about what he calls the swarm that other people call the deep state or the blob or the powers that be or... He is against reductionist allopathic medicine and his recommendations are closer to terrain theory than germ theory although he doesn't go as far as no viruses or vaccines. He does believe the whole Covid thing is a fraud. I myself believe the "science" proving the existence of viruses is faulty and am close to believing there is no Covid virus causing disease. There are so many correlations in my own life that I'm only an agnostic at this point. I do not believe HIV causes AIDS - injecting chemicals made by gangsters into your bloodstream or having promiscuous anal sex with strangers will harm your immune system . As will poor nutrition and bad water as in Africa. but it's a 10s of billions of dollar a year industry and will be hard to eliminate
Dr. Shiva knows the game and he tells it straight. He would do well to be less abrasive and still get his message across. I appreciate that he is standing up for truth by using evidence as opposed to lies and deceptions.
You nailed that one Jon.......Kennedy Rodgers ' We are against vaccines. But once a year, magic mushrooms will be mandatory." Believe it or not, people would be far better off than they are now.
Trump’s fatal flaws are 1) He trusts everyone he picks to work for him will do the right thing and 2) He never will acknowledge a mistake. Unfortunately his picks in 1 are often mistakes and his only way to deal with it is firing them. The policies they promote rarely are then also fired with prejudice. Politicians by their very nature almost never admit error, but the Convid error was so egregious and destroyed so many families, businesses, bank accounts and health profiles that it just cannot be a hill to defend ever. The country and world will never recover from it until we acknowledge the truth and damage it caused.
Jesse Ventura is like an honest, intelligent version of Trump. Try to find an example of him involved in deceit, well maybe outside the wrestling thing. He’s the real (patriot) deal and would actually be a legit swamp drainer.
Trump never a politician. So he traded stuff like get the jab for no setting up wars. But politics is all rhetoric now. The people dictating events keep well out of the way.
James Woods as FBI director. YES!! I could live with that one.
The Trump vaccine thing....is the most puzzling thing. He would be a perfect hammer
to the nail of all the shit going on, except for that one teeny tiny thing, which has far reaching
implications as Jon talks about here.
Well, certainly his daughter gave the shots to his grandkids. So right there is part of
the quagmire he is in. I wonder if Melania took it and Barron too?
A fact that is unpleasant as hell is:
The shots stopped the lunatics from continuing to shut down the world.
The deaths along with the pain and suffering caused by them are collateral damage for the"greater good". That is how the children's vaccine schedule is looked upon. There will be deaths of unfortunate kids (and their parents) but the numbers are a drop in the bucket compared to the millions of kids who are protected from deadly (and not so deadly) "diseases".
All I know is, for me, I need to ignore lots of things in order to be able to function on a daily basis
without losing my friggin mind, as my 2 adult kids, plus my 3 grandkids have taken (been given) these shots. Plus the grands have been given every single one on the schedule.
I have kvetched about this endlessly on Jon's websites since 2021!
So just that one thing if I think about it for too long, can disrupt my life. So I am "choosing" to ignore
a myriad of of things in order to get by.
Thanks Jon .
Leany: Abolish the FBI.
James Woods: "As director of the FBI I am directing the FBI to go away forever."
That's even better Timmy!
The shots will continue until people become aware of the contagion/germ hypothesis myth. No one will accept the poison once they are aware.
Unfortunately I think Kennedy is disingenuous. He knows about germ theory and contagion being disproven yet it doesn’t follow his business model so he ignores it and promotes the germ hypothesis by writing his book on gain of function. He has always promoted choice with all the vaccines. When people realize that the man behind the curtain has no powers the whole vax industry will fold. I’ve also heard the excuse that people aren’t “ready” to hear this information. I don’t want any “authority figure” or politician telling me what I am ready to hear. That’s just plain old censorship. None of these candidates are good choices. It’s just a dog and pony show.
I agree. He is a true politician. He tells the dumb public what they want to hear, not what is factual.
Voting in a corrupt system is condoning more corruption.
An on the money comment!
Turfseer’s latest hit song WELCOME TO DISEASE X. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/welcome-to-disease-x. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.
"Bait and switch, double-cross, limited hangout, hoax, and high-level chess made to look like ordinary checkers for the suckers." Man, you said it Jon...
Personally I think Rogers would be a good VP choice.. and I think there is a path to victory for the Kennedy/Rogers team.. the Donald effectively lost a large portion of the Independent vote with his Blab about the Jab.. incredibly stupid and revealing.. the Death Jab is a significant aspect of this election.. the primary last month in TX had an amendment on the ballot about Choice regarding vaccines, 92% said they want Choice... do Not want forced vaccinations.. most of those votes will go to Kennedy..
Rogers would be refreshing. Ventura notices much.
But, agreed, RFK,Jr. is in the game but will not reach half time.
45 needs to come clean. Pence, Fauci, Brix and Redfield are the dark faces in the woodpile. He should say so. Apologize to the public. Tell the public as soon as he mentioned Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine he got slammed for telling the truth. I made a mistake going forward with Operation Warp Speed. The bureaucrats I inherited from the NIH and CDC particularly, lied to me and the American public . I put Pence in charge of coordination. He failed me. He failed the American public. But, ultimately the decision was mine. Many unnecessary illnesses and deaths resulted .
I offer each of you my personal apology.
The kick back from the Left, the MSM and BigPharma would be loud and condemning were he do to so.
But, it would resonate outside the Beltway and with the MAGA populist movement, I opine.
OK my two cents. First of all I don't take vaccines. I am a retired nurse. Hear me out. I read a lot related to geopolitics, no MSM though. Trump is a master businessman, negotiator, deal maker and was fin the process of breaking up the 16 year plan that was in play and would have played out if the witch won. He is not a medical person. Things were going great and then this plandemic thing erupts. It's on his plate. He is the president and the country is petrified as a whole. (Personally I did not buy into it, but I am unlike the majority that trusts the medical cartel and goes along with whatever they say) From what I gathered, his Operation WS was not what Faucie and all expected. In other words, he threw a monkey wrench into their plan, throwing them off course. They wanted longer lock-downs and many more ways to disrupt our lives. Trump did recommend alternative treatments. What could he have done, with all these regulatory groups breathing down his neck? Tell the people to just go about your own business and do not fall under their spell. What could he do? I also read or heard that at least a third of those vials were saline. They could not have everyone drop dead at the same time. BTW as a nurse, I do know that every time you administer a vaccine, it has to be entered into a computer data base.If you want to take the time to track back, it is possible. I also wish I would hear his side of the story, and who knows, maybe one day we will. I will continue to support the man.
Good to see someone else realize "Operation Warp Speed" had nothing to do with the jab.
For all the out-of-the-box thinking Rappoport claims to do, he's certainly boxed in on this. Cursory research would reveal the jab had been in development for years and it had to be rolled out when it was to derail DJT and his agenda to dismantle the Deep State. "Covid" was nothing more than a smokescreen to justify pushing the jab. There is truth in the axiom that if you repeat the lie often enough...
Trump is, was, and always will be an egotistical rich spoiled kid from Queens who never apologizes. He's perfect Presidential Material i.e. dog shit.
Elections don't matter. Nothing changes. RFK Jr., as Jon says, is going nowhere just like Dr. Paul went nowhere but Dr. Paul got his message out. The Bumble Dicks won't make that mistake again. RFK Jr. is ignored, banned, and nowhere to be seen on MSM or even alternative media.
a vote for RFK jr is a vote for the lesser evil. He was a Hillary supporter. His views on Israel are just as bad as TRump or Biden.. He had said that business people not supporting manmade CO2 will cause climate catastrophe should be put in jail. A better candidate is Shiva for President. There is a reason you have never heard he is running for President. He will talk about what he calls the swarm that other people call the deep state or the blob or the powers that be or... He is against reductionist allopathic medicine and his recommendations are closer to terrain theory than germ theory although he doesn't go as far as no viruses or vaccines. He does believe the whole Covid thing is a fraud. I myself believe the "science" proving the existence of viruses is faulty and am close to believing there is no Covid virus causing disease. There are so many correlations in my own life that I'm only an agnostic at this point. I do not believe HIV causes AIDS - injecting chemicals made by gangsters into your bloodstream or having promiscuous anal sex with strangers will harm your immune system . As will poor nutrition and bad water as in Africa. but it's a 10s of billions of dollar a year industry and will be hard to eliminate
Dr. Shiva knows the game and he tells it straight. He would do well to be less abrasive and still get his message across. I appreciate that he is standing up for truth by using evidence as opposed to lies and deceptions.
You nailed that one Jon.......Kennedy Rodgers ' We are against vaccines. But once a year, magic mushrooms will be mandatory." Believe it or not, people would be far better off than they are now.
Trump’s fatal flaws are 1) He trusts everyone he picks to work for him will do the right thing and 2) He never will acknowledge a mistake. Unfortunately his picks in 1 are often mistakes and his only way to deal with it is firing them. The policies they promote rarely are then also fired with prejudice. Politicians by their very nature almost never admit error, but the Convid error was so egregious and destroyed so many families, businesses, bank accounts and health profiles that it just cannot be a hill to defend ever. The country and world will never recover from it until we acknowledge the truth and damage it caused.
Who is Aaron Rodgers?
He is an NFL Quarterback. His main gig was as the Green Bay Packers QB. He is an excellent QB. He now plays on the loser Jets.
He refused to take the vax when it was pushed on all the Sports players.
He has been outspoken about it.
Jesse Ventura is like an honest, intelligent version of Trump. Try to find an example of him involved in deceit, well maybe outside the wrestling thing. He’s the real (patriot) deal and would actually be a legit swamp drainer.
Trump never a politician. So he traded stuff like get the jab for no setting up wars. But politics is all rhetoric now. The people dictating events keep well out of the way.
The stage is set, the puppets in place.