I agree. And the only reason a Church Council can be a disaster is if it's a false council, as Church history reveals. Besides the links I provided, here are a couple 2 page articles packed with more little known info: catholicapedia.net/Docu…
I agree. And the only reason a Church Council can be a disaster is if it's a false council, as Church history reveals. Besides the links I provided, here are a couple 2 page articles packed with more little known info: catholicapedia.net/Documents/Chiesa_viva/Chiesa_viva_486_en-_FINAL.pdf
I agree. And the only reason a Church Council can be a disaster is if it's a false council, as Church history reveals. Besides the links I provided, here are a couple 2 page articles packed with more little known info: catholicapedia.net/Documents/Chiesa_viva/Chiesa_viva_486_en-_FINAL.pdf