One of the key mistakes that many make, is demanding that every other person on their side of a subject, be just as 100% "awake" about every aspect of it, as they think they are, as some type of litmus test for being completely qualified to be part of the "in group".

They do this, forgetting, that the pathway to enlightenment on all subjects is a journey, not a destination.

Thus, you have to continue to educate people, with the information that they are prepared to hear, as a gradual process, not like a shotgun blast to the face (Dick Cheney).

I don't expect that everyone is ever going to be completely on the same page, and that's okay too.

I see a lot of this stuff on the Right, and it's not productive.

Yes, everyone should eventually know everything about everything, but that's just not realistic. Some will always be trailing in data, knowledge, and wisdom, and others will always be late to the party.

It's a gradual process, to educate people, and wake them from their slumber, at a pace that THEY can digest. Any faster than that, and they choke.

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True story...there is no virus, never was. There are no viruses.

Anyone who thinks otherwise should read Virus Mania ..........coupla bucks on kindle from Amazon.......

..............if you want real scientific proof.

The whole pharmaceutical mafia business is a fraud and a scam.

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That wise and practical stance, Jon, makes you almost my angel of truth.

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Don't you love those inbox letters from the purists and cultists demanding you condemn this thing or that? As von Bismarck said, politics is the art of the possible. People are incapable of understanding the game. Moving electorates is a zero-sum game. If nothing is gained from a position, and far more is lost, it makes that position the equivalent of political seppuku. If any family name in America knows this, it's Kennedy.

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No, I don't agree. It's high time the this particular truth of no viruses gets front and center attention. There has been so much misery and death over the past couple hundred years caused by this belief. Going along with the big lie is giving perpetual life to the lie. This is not a good candidate for political expediency. This is so important and has so many ramifications, that champions for the truth need to stand up and be counted...and the hell with the consequences. God knows the cost of testifying to the truth...and expects all to suffer for it in a world full of lies. I never have much to says when it comes to posting comments, but in this, I very much applaud the folks who are doing everything they can to get the truth out there.

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Just brilliant!!! Made my day....I could not stop laughing...

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Dear Jon,

I agree with you 100% and I know that that does not matter to you. Which is another reason I follow you!

I agree that Robert Kennedy Jr is not deluded into thinking he could win, however, he is smart enough to know he can use the platform to get his message out there. The mass population in the US would love to smear Kennedy if he so much as made a squeak about ‘no viruses’! That is not the hill he wants to be crushed on. His primary concern Is the children who are not being protected from all the shots and from corporate power and greed who are stealing the minds of our young people and the minds of most of the adults in this country btw (which doesn’t take much considering how many people went along with the 3 years of massive lies.

He knows what he is up against and he is using his position and intelligence to speak up. I am grateful for him.

Thanks again Jon!

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Very true and very entertaining! I completely agree with you about Robert Kennedy Jr. As difficult as it might be, adults are supposed to be able to deal with imperfections in others and to put them into context regarding the greater good of the overall relationship. It is up to each of us to decide if we perceive a "fatal flaw" which is our "line in the sand" and a trust and relationship killer.

If RFK Jr. came out with the no-virus idea as even a possibility for scientific debate, his anti-vaccine invaluable work would be attacked exponentially more virulently with the excuse ,"See, he is as completely delusional as we've always told you." Look at what they're managing to do with applauding the current situation, even as people are "mysteriously" becoming sick and dying around them. Aren't people still being diagnosed and "treated" for AIDS a few decades since its "introduction"?

He will be busy enough dealing with accusations that he caused his former wife to kill herself and that his current wife didn't let un-vaxxed guests into their house for her party.

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RFK Jnr is a great deal more credible as a leader than the octogenarian who is currently shuffling around the White House. It would be nice to believe for a second or two again in the American Dream. But we have our own battle here in South Africa to dislodge the corrupt ANC in 2024, and, if we do, I don’t think for one moment that anyone would believe in Mandela’s Dream anymore. Growing up is not easy.

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Many parents of vaccine injured children know vaccines are dangerous and will not submit their children, themselves or their pets to another shot. They desperately try to warn others about the vaccines. Although I no longer believe in viruses the majority of enlightened parents still do. However, they've quit believing viruses are "dangerous" which is a giant leap forward. We have to pick our battles, continue to educate others. Toppling the virus story would be great! We've been conditioned to believe in viruses since childhood. Its going to take time. Meanwhile, please support those who brave ridicule to inform others about vaccines.

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Everyone tells the truth about some things, and doesn’t tell the truth about others. But let’s keep in mind the truth is often subjective. I appreciate the fact that you are willing to restrain some of your vitriol towards Bobby Kennedy. I have been a lifelong conservative and I’m now a plain out conspiracy theorist. Most of which have come true. I have been down every rabbit hole I have ever come across. Including the no Covid virus issue. I respect your position. I, myself, am a bit unclear, but I do know there was something flying around because I got quite sick as did my 73 year old husband. So shall we call it a bad flu? Looking at the numbers it appears that may be the case. As to Bobby Kennedy, I started paying attention to him in 2012. I’ve rarely agreed with his politics, but it’s thanks to him that I have three healthy non-vaccinated grandchildren. He has and continues to do amazing work. I think you may have even acknowledged that. CHD is a vital organization for the unpopular truth it’s willing to tell, and for the many lies it’s willing to expose. Yes, Kennedy, will not win. But he’s done great work in the past. Particularly in the environmental sector. But also in going against big evil business. I am a fan.

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Jon, this is absolutely in your top five all time best rants!!! (I don't know what the other four are.) One correction... "viruses exist" is only number two on the biggest lies list!!! "God is a vengeful tyrant!" is far-and-away number one!!

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Loved it Jon! Loving the logic which people seems to lose track of when they are mad or scared. Thanks for reminding us and bringing us back with humor. 👏🏽

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I really appreciate this and it needed to be said. Part of me wonders if the no virus crowd (which I am in) has been infiltrated with rabble rousers to deface the community. On line, I see border line fanaticism. Thats not the way, folks.

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I can’t support anyone who, like RFK Jr., pushes the climate change hoax. We’re under multi-pronged attack, and “sustainability” - which is all about keeping and controlling inventory over every single resource on the planet, including people - is the key to the plans for their Great Reset and the total enslavement of our brothers and sisters.

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To the author, I really like Robert Kennedy and I am glad you wrote this article.

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