I do advertisement of Jon Rappoport sometimes on boards.

Granted, I don't have an audience. But when I found an unfortunate soul that does not know goddamn writing I let them know your sites.

I tell them: "this author knew about the fraudulent use of PCR since before most current experts on PCR started junior high, so pay attention."

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Of course, it always was.

And that ain't no shit.

Thanks Jon, another homer..

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I remember reading Melville's "Moby Dick" in junior high school. It was an assignment for English class and if I remember correctly it took me a week to get through it. When the class was to have a discussion about the book I noticed there were many of my classmates who had a small yellow book called Cliffs Notes on their desk. I remember asking my mother about this small book and she said they were summaries of the original story. She said many students read Cliffs Notes instead of the original book. She said it was quicker than reading the original book. Of course, I then asked if I could use these Cliffs Notes. My Mothers response, and I'll never forget this, "you can lead a whore to culture-but you can't make her think". Obviously, I didn't have a fucking clue what she was talking about-but I do now. As Jon so aptly stated in this beautiful article-data is just data. Data is not understanding or imagination or creativity or anything remotely human. It's just data. Not one of my classmates, who used Cliffs Notes, understood what " Moby Dick" was about. They didn't care. All they wanted to do was pass the test. My Mother, God bless her, wanted me to learn what the great writer was talking about. My Mother actually loved me and wanted me to learn. Nothing can replace the human imagination. AI is bullshit on steroids. Drag Queens and their ilk are bullshit cubed. Why not call the Navy "Perverts are Us". When the shooting starts they'll shit down both legs and cry for mommy. What a fucking clown show. Keep it coming Jon-I love your work.

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Google AI and the Drag Queen Navy. What is this Wackos on Wednesday?

Don't use Google.

Don't join the US Military.

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Brilliant as usual😎

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John i have been reading your work for years now and you can feel how heartfelt this one us

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Another wonderful trip down the rabbit hole Jon. I can't wait for the updated documentary regarding Iwo Jima to set the record straight,

AI will destroy academic research for good, and will manifest the future shown in the Luke Wilson's movie called Idiocracy. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/?ref_=ttls_li_tt

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Jon,don’t feel bad that you fell down and bashed your head against an immovable object, most of your readers have had similar circumstances in their youth….. Myself proudly included.

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So, what's the big deal Jon??? Here's a simple summary... SGE... "Jon wrote some inconsequential stuff about stuff!!" See?? It makes our/your job of acquiring/disseminating data much quicker and easier!!

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SGE Search Generative Experience. Welp I can see that there will probably be only one human view being parroted from so many people. To capture our minds and thus direct and control our behaviors. In a way, it makes it easy to see what Google has in mind by there very existence, with Any move they make. They are completely slimy just like the humans involved in bringing it about. They certainly are failing with me. No more gmail. Finding a new open source apps for gps ect. I bought a privacy phone and need to get with that too and more as we go.

Good to know that the gays can relax in the military more now with top down support. Nothing to question there, right guys?

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I like the idea of using my 1990s childhood technology well into the future, my dad still runs Windows XP

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Someone said Bill Gates should be tied to a chair and desk and forced to use the Windows Me Millenium Edition for all eternity

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And maybe be forced to take large diameter anal swabs for "virus" testing.

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I want to go 100% privacy too. It's a great deal of stuff to do...

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Great article, but the title should more accurately be "The Luciferian Judeo-Masonic world: Navy hires active duty drag queen; expect more measures to destroy America to come."

"If you want to know who rules over you, just ask yourself whom you're not allowed to criticize."

Hint: the first half of that unholy relationship.

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Thanks to Text-To-Voice Reader browser extension, I can 'read' all the articles I want! Hearing them is so much better for me.

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Thinking Allowed installment on information as the lowest form of knowledge:


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