I'd have some respect for Abbott if he publicly reveals that the US deep state, not just the banks, are and have always been working with the drug cartels to keep Mexico in poverty and chaos so their puppet regime stays in power and the drugs keep flowing, and declares the CIA a terrorist organization along with the cartels.

But no, real honesty isn't going to happen. He'll start a state-level drug war, and go after everyone in the lower half of the drug organizations, and some people will cheer and feel patriotic. Not me.

If the Texas Rangers hire 87,000 more people, and invade Mexico and arrest every drug dealer, nothing will change except the prison population and prison industry profits. Sure, the cartels are led by really bad people, who are protected by the Western nations and the political & business elite.

If we're still too fucking corrupt and cowardly as a nation to face the truth of why drug cartels control Mexico, then we deserve to be overrun with fentanyl.

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very well-said!!

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Wow Jon, this is huge and the way you laid it out is epic!!!

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Mexican cartels should forthwith be declared terrorist organizations as Jon correctly states , and the US military should conduct strikes n raids , to kill n destroy these cartel members until they are impotent….. oh, and close the damn southern border!!!!

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You mean the same military that allies with drug cartels all over the planet?

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Hi Jon, What’s your take on Trump’s complete denial of the vaccine’s adverse events and continued support for their distribution? Is his ego so big he cannot admit that Warp Speed was a mistake and Fauci completely pulled one over on him?

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trump is owned by the same people that own biden

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Wait two weeks and see where the issue stands, or if Abbott takes or is able to take any action. If Trump would have declared the cartels terrorists in his first term he'd be the hero instead of the has-been he's become. I really doubt that Abbott will utilize the "bully pulpit" for this issue. These so called leaders of ours can talk the talk, but can they walk the walk? Doubtful, but one can only hope.

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Thank you! As a resident of Texas, I was not aware of this. I will be contacting Abbott’s office to thank him! This is a HUGE problem that is getting no real publicity.

Where is all of this heading? It must be getting stockpiled somewhere for something big? A political event? Sporting event? In the water? Who knows.

Our President-with-the-most-votes-in-history, Biden, is busy lying his ass off to the media about Putin, and the lefties are gobbling it up. The left is unfazed, unconcerned about the border. They unite around another boogeyman enemy instead of insisting on facts and evidence. Their leader has spoken! Case closed.

And the Texas lefttards beg for Beatoff Beto to be their leader. They are still mad at SCOTUS and Abbott regarding Roe versus Wade. Fentanyl? Pfffft.

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Wow. Way to go Gov. Abbott.

Rock n Roll.

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Awesome insight brother and love the Trump “make up for your COVID debacle” advice!!!

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Jon Rappoport, you always bat .1000, but this one is a 500-foot grand slam rocket where your team is down by three runs in the bottom of the ninth of game seven of the World Series. Man, oh, Man. Thank you.

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"sold out politicians suing DeSantis"

exactly what it is. I shook my head when MSM reported it as "illegals" suing DeSantis LOL like, what? These people are being used for a lawsuit, they weren't the ones with the idea to sue. let's talk about exactly who is behind it.

Just another way people from these countries are being lured so everything related to that can be exploited in various ways

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Loved this!!!

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Great update thanks Jon the last two sentences nailed it, and he wants to bring in the death penalty for drug pushers.

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Thanks Jon!

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75,000 people die per year in an African country the globalist scream genocide to crank up the war machine The cartels and their backers are guilty of genocide in the U.S. interesting how the tables always turn in favor of the machine and away from the people

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Sep 22, 2022Edited
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He has been screaming about it since Obiden opened the border. Where have you been? No one pays any attention because they watch the tee vee.

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