My friend, who grew up on a farm, told me about a time when he was young, watching TV in 1964, and out came a high pitched scream sounding thing to which his soul said, "This ain't human." It was young girls screaming when the Beatles were
Bezmenov explained that the stage of Demoralization [first stage of Subversion] takes 20-30 years because that's the time it takes to educate an entire generation from pre-school to post-school. We get more set in our ways when we get older.
Younger children shouldn't even have mobile phones, much less smart phones, which are the principal means thru which they are introduced to pornography, which quickly becomes self-destructively addictive, but is a powerful weapon used for manipulating & controlling us. See E Michael Jones, Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, also discussed in interviews, even on YouTube.
Why isn't anyone talking about gender benders? These chemicals are TRANSforming our society. And because the Globalists make so much money on them, they won't allow them to be banned. We have to get this stuff out of our lives. Plastics! Heavy metals! Soy! Pesticides! Fluoride! Pharmaceuticals!
Nothing bad can come of getting these things out of our lives, only good. There are better alternatives for all of this, but they can't be patented and they aren't things you can't do at home. We need to learn and teach, learn and teach.
And EMF pollution. The problem is that it's much easier and more dramatic to blame it all on ideological subversion. The moment you start accepting young people's gender identity might actually be affected by environmental stressors and toxins it all starts to get a lot more complicated.
I find the traditionalists, conservatives and anti woke crowd to be just as lazy with their language and concepts and the progressives and trans activists. Both are reducing hugely complex and multi faceted issues to a list of over simplistic soundbites to score points and beat each other on the head with.
In amongst this 'froth' the big picture of what is really going on cannot be seen.
Before 2021 fertility rates and hormone levels were already in disarray, and since the you-know-what was rolled out there has been evidence to suggest the next generation (those born to vaxxed mothers) may not just be infertile, but may not even be able to reach full sexual maturity at all.
The current 'gender ideology' is obviously out of control, but it is foolish to imagine that there is no reasoning behind it. The most reasonable explanation would be the need to eradicate the notion of male/ female gender on a cultural level, in preparation for a Brave New World where sexual dimorphism itself has been erased (to whatever degree) from the general population by drugs and environmental toxins.
If we are going to have a generation of infertile and sexually immature adults in 20 years time the one thing we can say for sure is that they will have 100 new psuedo-genders to choose from which are more suited to their condition. Not to mention a legal framework (which has appeared out of nowhere) which already recognises 'no gender' as a thing. In fact everything happening in western culture right now makes perfect sense if you factor in the prospect of an infertile/ sexually stunted population in the near future.
Massive depopulation is a key objective for "them," over 90% in fact. Some of them are open about it & it was engraved upon the recently destroyed Georgia Guide stones (it was getting too much attention online after an explosive device did some damage) : "Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000 In Perpetual Balance With Nature."
Hormone disrupter chemicals are everywhere. Tragic it how it is accumulating in children's bodies and brains. Check out Anthony Williams book Brain Saver, he explains it so well, borrow it from a library if you can.
Indeed. Sadly, the reptiles in power-and-money-corrupted seats throughout this infiltrated and subverted society care not for the future, present nor any other fake tense they may concoct.
In our time when agents of Satan (a preternatural being) who are on the natural level psychopaths & sociopaths, rule over us, they are allowed by God to wreak their havoc for a time, but just as Jesus rose triumphantly from the dead as He had numerous times foretold, Satan & his human agents will be ultimately crushed, & it will be the foot of the Blessed Virgin Mary that will do it (the correct translation of Genesis 3:15 is "She will crush your head, while you lie in wait for her heel), thru Her devoted servants.
This will sound like fantasy to most readers, but I assure you it is true. An historical event confirmed by the greatest predicted public miracle since the Resurrection confirms it, and much else of immeasurable importance. It is the apparitions & message of Our Lady of Fatima & the Angel in 1916 &1917, foretelling communism, WWII, and other evils as a consequence & punishment for the grievous sins by which God is offended:
This Message has been hijacked by the same unholy group of people ruling over us, just as they have hijacked the papacy & organization structures of the Catholic Church &
From an authentic Christian understanding (For there are many forms of false Christianity) God allows evil because
1. He allows us to virtuously use or else abuse His great gift to us of free will (which itself disproves atheism)
2. to test & purify the souls of those who love & serve him. Recall, e.g. the Book of Job.
3. to punish the guilty (all of us are guilty of sin, just some more than others)
The greatest theologian ever, St Thomas Aquinas, answers the objection:
Objection 1. It seems that God does not exist; because if one of two contraries be infinite, the other would be altogether destroyed. But the word "God" means that He is infinite goodness. If, therefore, God existed, there would be no evil discoverable; but there is evil in the world. Therefore God does not exist.
Reply to Objection 1. As Augustine says (Enchiridion xi): "Since God is the highest good, He would not allow any evil to exist in His works, unless His omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring good even out of evil." This is part of the infinite goodness of God, that He should allow evil to exist, and out of it produce good.
God, whose knowledge, goodness & power are infinite, would not permit evil unless a greater good could come from it. The greatest evil ever, the Jews' crime of deicide in crucifying Jesus, led to the greatest good, redemption from sin. It is a very profound subject & I think the great Oxford scholar, John Henry Newman writes about it with both deep insight & eloquence:
Another parable he put before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the householder came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then has it weeds?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, ‘No; lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’” (Matthew 13:24-30)
I recall seeing on tv, children in elementary schools, viewing the Monika/Bill Clinton scandal, while they were discussing oral sex. I was like, does the media and school teachers even see what they are doing? Exposing children to adult stuff talking about the president getting BJ's? That was the real crime.
Protecting innocence is very difficult in this climate. But should be el numbero uno. It is not. Influences everywhere. Normalized. Fascism??
Indoctrination Camps, aka ‘schools’ have sadly insured a couple generations of lost souls now easily steered to compliance with their Big Daddy government, some say long in the making.
I’m saddened by this having grown up in the 50’s when independent thought, critical thought, was taught, and in the elementary years I went to a one room school with 6 grades, a row for each, with one teacher who masterfully did all 6 grades by handing mini-assignments while moving up the grade ladder. An advantage I had was listening to what she taught other grades while doing my in row grade assignment.
We played outside, in corn fields and in hay lofts. Met for baseball games in a field we carved out with sticks and various natural components.In retrospect it was the time of my life.
A lost world (by design) that gets me that flouride stare with anyone under 40.
I am cited in Ira B. Nadel's biography of Leonard Cohen published 1996, "various positions a life of Leonard Cohen" where, I QUOTE Leonard, "Did I know she was only 15? No, I thought she was only 13. I tried to seduce the mother and she calmed down a little."
He incriminated himself and I did not take action to slam him in jail for reasons I will not elucidate here unless there is interest in the subject.
I have a write-up on the story which I can forward to anyone who is interested. Leonard Cohen was honoured by the Canadian Government and the entire world. I allowed him to continue his life. Now he is dead so he's out of harm's way, but the truth will out, and yes, I'm alive and am voicing what should be acknowledged, addressed, and at last made public information!
When a culture degrades, and loses its moral foundations, abandoning belief in God, abandoning basic concepts of right and wrong, allowing extremism to take root, and employing all manner of fetishes and marketing campaigns under the rationale of postmodernism n nihilism, you have a nation inexorably in decay ….
You're literally correct in calling this evil "a diabolical business," since the chief promoters of the sexualization of children, as well as LGBT, are agents of Satan, many of them Satan worshippers.
This is Brother Nathaniel, a monk and convert to Russian Orthodoxy from Judaism, now a thorn in the side of those in his former ethnic/ideological group, on transgenderism and who is chiefly behind it.
Both Satan and his human agents get malicious pleasure in degrading humanity and crushing all human dignity. It is an important part of their plan for total world domination & the reign of their "World Leader" or "Messiah," a.k.a. the Antichrist.
“As long as there remains among the gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith , patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come…”
Unless we recognize that we are in a spiritual war against the powers of darkness and their human agents, we will only lose battle after battle. We must do everything we can on the temporal and political level, but we must also take up spiritual weapons, and the weapon Our Lady of Fatima asked us to take up in 1917, just months before the Bolshevik Revolution, is the prayer of the Rosary, given more power in our time to compensate for the greater power allowed to Satan working thru "those who will give themselves over to [his] service."
You have to take into account the role of toxicity in all this . "The Great Poisoning," is alive and well in the States. I sure wish something would happen to turn around this particular problem.
A society that eats its children and kills its elders will die.
It’s already dead
Well said.
What are the parents doing? I'm a parent of a pre adolescent child. This shit does not fly in our house. We pulled him from the schools sex ed class.
If all parents, and not just two, pulled their kids from the class, there would be no class.
Yea, you got it.
>If, in 1948, teachers had approached us with notions of gender fluidity, we would have known they were insane.
What happened to parents [adults] between then and now? Something very specific.
Children are a reflection of their parents. The subversive "sexualization" happened first to adults, then it became possible to go after the children.
The school system, while part of it, is not the source of the problem.
I couldn't agree more. Hippies had punks had grungers or disco had ravers and dance club.
I look back on all the cultural messaging I thought was The Way when I was young and can very easily see the multi generational corruption.
And that is what makes it hard to discuss these issues, because people are so buried in it, it IS their culture, they do not know any different.
>they do not know any different.
They will when they meet you.
My friend, who grew up on a farm, told me about a time when he was young, watching TV in 1964, and out came a high pitched scream sounding thing to which his soul said, "This ain't human." It was young girls screaming when the Beatles were
announced on stage. His story inspired this post:
Bezmenov explained that the stage of Demoralization [first stage of Subversion] takes 20-30 years because that's the time it takes to educate an entire generation from pre-school to post-school. We get more set in our ways when we get older.
Ipads for children aren't learning tools, the children are the product, and blue light is a killer:
Thank you so much Mark! Curious- were you aware of how blue light affects sleep and hormones?
And parents who allow their children to have their own Instagram accounts. Instagram is a paedophile’s catalogue.
Younger children shouldn't even have mobile phones, much less smart phones, which are the principal means thru which they are introduced to pornography, which quickly becomes self-destructively addictive, but is a powerful weapon used for manipulating & controlling us. See E Michael Jones, Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, also discussed in interviews, even on YouTube.
Why isn't anyone talking about gender benders? These chemicals are TRANSforming our society. And because the Globalists make so much money on them, they won't allow them to be banned. We have to get this stuff out of our lives. Plastics! Heavy metals! Soy! Pesticides! Fluoride! Pharmaceuticals!
Nothing bad can come of getting these things out of our lives, only good. There are better alternatives for all of this, but they can't be patented and they aren't things you can't do at home. We need to learn and teach, learn and teach.
This not talking "anyone" is just MSM; the alternative media is storming this monstrosity.
"Why isn't anyone talking about gender benders?"
And EMF pollution. The problem is that it's much easier and more dramatic to blame it all on ideological subversion. The moment you start accepting young people's gender identity might actually be affected by environmental stressors and toxins it all starts to get a lot more complicated.
I find the traditionalists, conservatives and anti woke crowd to be just as lazy with their language and concepts and the progressives and trans activists. Both are reducing hugely complex and multi faceted issues to a list of over simplistic soundbites to score points and beat each other on the head with.
In amongst this 'froth' the big picture of what is really going on cannot be seen.
Before 2021 fertility rates and hormone levels were already in disarray, and since the you-know-what was rolled out there has been evidence to suggest the next generation (those born to vaxxed mothers) may not just be infertile, but may not even be able to reach full sexual maturity at all.
The current 'gender ideology' is obviously out of control, but it is foolish to imagine that there is no reasoning behind it. The most reasonable explanation would be the need to eradicate the notion of male/ female gender on a cultural level, in preparation for a Brave New World where sexual dimorphism itself has been erased (to whatever degree) from the general population by drugs and environmental toxins.
If we are going to have a generation of infertile and sexually immature adults in 20 years time the one thing we can say for sure is that they will have 100 new psuedo-genders to choose from which are more suited to their condition. Not to mention a legal framework (which has appeared out of nowhere) which already recognises 'no gender' as a thing. In fact everything happening in western culture right now makes perfect sense if you factor in the prospect of an infertile/ sexually stunted population in the near future.
Massive depopulation is a key objective for "them," over 90% in fact. Some of them are open about it & it was engraved upon the recently destroyed Georgia Guide stones (it was getting too much attention online after an explosive device did some damage) : "Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000 In Perpetual Balance With Nature."
Hormone disrupter chemicals are everywhere. Tragic it how it is accumulating in children's bodies and brains. Check out Anthony Williams book Brain Saver, he explains it so well, borrow it from a library if you can.
Indeed. Sadly, the reptiles in power-and-money-corrupted seats throughout this infiltrated and subverted society care not for the future, present nor any other fake tense they may concoct.
Reality meets evil, and evil has never won.
" evil has never won. " -- really? Just look at reality...
In our time when agents of Satan (a preternatural being) who are on the natural level psychopaths & sociopaths, rule over us, they are allowed by God to wreak their havoc for a time, but just as Jesus rose triumphantly from the dead as He had numerous times foretold, Satan & his human agents will be ultimately crushed, & it will be the foot of the Blessed Virgin Mary that will do it (the correct translation of Genesis 3:15 is "She will crush your head, while you lie in wait for her heel), thru Her devoted servants.
This will sound like fantasy to most readers, but I assure you it is true. An historical event confirmed by the greatest predicted public miracle since the Resurrection confirms it, and much else of immeasurable importance. It is the apparitions & message of Our Lady of Fatima & the Angel in 1916 &1917, foretelling communism, WWII, and other evils as a consequence & punishment for the grievous sins by which God is offended:
This Message has been hijacked by the same unholy group of people ruling over us, just as they have hijacked the papacy & organization structures of the Catholic Church &
control almost all the other churches.
"they are allowed by God to wreak their havoc" -- why God allows them to do it?
" Satan & his human agents" -- I call them "demons' possessed", thus they are ex-humans.
From an authentic Christian understanding (For there are many forms of false Christianity) God allows evil because
1. He allows us to virtuously use or else abuse His great gift to us of free will (which itself disproves atheism)
2. to test & purify the souls of those who love & serve him. Recall, e.g. the Book of Job.
3. to punish the guilty (all of us are guilty of sin, just some more than others)
The greatest theologian ever, St Thomas Aquinas, answers the objection:
Objection 1. It seems that God does not exist; because if one of two contraries be infinite, the other would be altogether destroyed. But the word "God" means that He is infinite goodness. If, therefore, God existed, there would be no evil discoverable; but there is evil in the world. Therefore God does not exist.
Reply to Objection 1. As Augustine says (Enchiridion xi): "Since God is the highest good, He would not allow any evil to exist in His works, unless His omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring good even out of evil." This is part of the infinite goodness of God, that He should allow evil to exist, and out of it produce good.
God, whose knowledge, goodness & power are infinite, would not permit evil unless a greater good could come from it. The greatest evil ever, the Jews' crime of deicide in crucifying Jesus, led to the greatest good, redemption from sin. It is a very profound subject & I think the great Oxford scholar, John Henry Newman writes about it with both deep insight & eloquence: (especially from paragraph 5: "Starting then with the being of a God....")
From a different perspective, see this 28 min documentary on the apparitions & message of Our Lady of Fatima & the Angel between 1916-1917:
Then there's the parable in the gospel:
Another parable he put before them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the householder came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then has it weeds?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Then do you want us to go and gather them?’ But he said, ‘No; lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.’” (Matthew 13:24-30)
I recall seeing on tv, children in elementary schools, viewing the Monika/Bill Clinton scandal, while they were discussing oral sex. I was like, does the media and school teachers even see what they are doing? Exposing children to adult stuff talking about the president getting BJ's? That was the real crime.
Protecting innocence is very difficult in this climate. But should be el numbero uno. It is not. Influences everywhere. Normalized. Fascism??
Indoctrination Camps, aka ‘schools’ have sadly insured a couple generations of lost souls now easily steered to compliance with their Big Daddy government, some say long in the making.
I’m saddened by this having grown up in the 50’s when independent thought, critical thought, was taught, and in the elementary years I went to a one room school with 6 grades, a row for each, with one teacher who masterfully did all 6 grades by handing mini-assignments while moving up the grade ladder. An advantage I had was listening to what she taught other grades while doing my in row grade assignment.
We played outside, in corn fields and in hay lofts. Met for baseball games in a field we carved out with sticks and various natural components.In retrospect it was the time of my life.
A lost world (by design) that gets me that flouride stare with anyone under 40.
True, and very sad. Some worship money and want to impress their
money loving friends, in the E. Bernays style of marketing.
I like your comment Timmy Taes, and it captures the essence of the problem.
suzanna: Thanks!
Best thing you’ve written. Thanks
I am cited in Ira B. Nadel's biography of Leonard Cohen published 1996, "various positions a life of Leonard Cohen" where, I QUOTE Leonard, "Did I know she was only 15? No, I thought she was only 13. I tried to seduce the mother and she calmed down a little."
He incriminated himself and I did not take action to slam him in jail for reasons I will not elucidate here unless there is interest in the subject.
I have a write-up on the story which I can forward to anyone who is interested. Leonard Cohen was honoured by the Canadian Government and the entire world. I allowed him to continue his life. Now he is dead so he's out of harm's way, but the truth will out, and yes, I'm alive and am voicing what should be acknowledged, addressed, and at last made public information!
When a culture degrades, and loses its moral foundations, abandoning belief in God, abandoning basic concepts of right and wrong, allowing extremism to take root, and employing all manner of fetishes and marketing campaigns under the rationale of postmodernism n nihilism, you have a nation inexorably in decay ….
You're literally correct in calling this evil "a diabolical business," since the chief promoters of the sexualization of children, as well as LGBT, are agents of Satan, many of them Satan worshippers.
This is Brother Nathaniel, a monk and convert to Russian Orthodoxy from Judaism, now a thorn in the side of those in his former ethnic/ideological group, on transgenderism and who is chiefly behind it.
Both Satan and his human agents get malicious pleasure in degrading humanity and crushing all human dignity. It is an important part of their plan for total world domination & the reign of their "World Leader" or "Messiah," a.k.a. the Antichrist.
“As long as there remains among the gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith , patriotism, and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come…”
Unless we recognize that we are in a spiritual war against the powers of darkness and their human agents, we will only lose battle after battle. We must do everything we can on the temporal and political level, but we must also take up spiritual weapons, and the weapon Our Lady of Fatima asked us to take up in 1917, just months before the Bolshevik Revolution, is the prayer of the Rosary, given more power in our time to compensate for the greater power allowed to Satan working thru "those who will give themselves over to [his] service."
It is unbelievable what is happening to children, parents need to take back control. Glad I don't have kids in school.
You have to take into account the role of toxicity in all this . "The Great Poisoning," is alive and well in the States. I sure wish something would happen to turn around this particular problem.
The War On The Child: Battlefront “Mining Children”
As precious metals deep in the earth are exploited through strip mining, so are dollars being mined from our children, their well-being be damned.