Bam, in your face. Totally agree. Other states must join the opposition. Sure thing this fentanyl traffic is a huge part of the genocidal plan. Thanks Jon to roll down the numbers. Now dummys, turn off the TV set, light a fire with the Newspapers, do your homework, and spread the word.

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And, how many women and children are being trafficked across the same border. Anyone who cares about the welfare of women and children ought support these actions taken by the Texas governor.

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The federal government is exercising no application of federal law. Instead, they are intentionally, obviously, and brazenly defying it for clearly political purposes. Now that the ‘flow’ is established, the federal ‘enforcers’ can’t stop it, and they know it. They are stuck in a vortex of stupid that they spun up in the first place. Politicians nearly never claim responsibility for anything or reverse their policies without extreme pressure from their side and the media, and that means Democrats never reverse their policies no matter how ridiculous they are and how blatant their damage. We need this confrontation, and we may need it to become kinetic. In this case, the federal government is far afield of their constitutional responsibilities, and it is very clear. The Supreme Court has proven itself unable to resolve anything between people or states and the apparatus, and even when it does, the apparatus thumbs its nose at the rulings. How have those college debt relief rulings been going for them? How has the EPA ruling been followed by ANY Department or Cabinet? The giant flushing of the bureaucracy toilet must happen very soon or it will become instead a shitsplosion.

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In 1983 I travelled to the ruins of the ancient Armenian capital of Ani, right on the then-Soviet border, in Turkey. It was so sensitive that you had to have a gendarme accompany you, and no cameras, since there were towers with Soviet sharpshooters with permission to shoot anyone taking pictures there. There was a barbed wire fence, about 100 yards of a mine field, and then another barbed wire fence, stretched as far as you could see. And then the aforementioned towers every 50 yards or so. Now, that was a secure border!

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The entire US government should be arrested for TREASON just on the fentanyl crime (to start).

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As always there is a lot of hyperbole about what rights states vs feds have. Yesterday Jeff Childress, a lawyer, wrote this: "The hot takes yesterday suggested Texas was somehow “defying” the Supreme Court, which is wrong, because the Supreme Court did not order Texas to do or not do anything. Thus, there was nothing to ‘defy.’ All the Supreme Court did on Tuesday was remove a lower-court ban against the federal government. It’s order didn’t even require Texas to let the Border Patrol into Eagle Pass, even though it took away one of Texas’s arguments for keeping the feds out." "Abbott’s letter, referring to Section 10’s Constitutional authority... There are a couple ways to read that. Saying the Constitution is the supreme law of the land which supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary is just uncontroversially reiterating black-letter law. Of course the Constitution supersedes conflicting statutes. "

Just some further food for thought here.... I agree, what plays out in TX is important to all states. Just yesterday I watch a video of "Illegal aliens storming La Joya, CA) What I saw was a boat screaming in to the shore, ditching the boat, men running up the embankment and spreading out into the neighborhood as people watched. One man had a child tucked under his arm and another was dragging a child along with him, Traffickers? Indeed - no families, no Women. And the man filming said he had seen the boat 5 times before but had never actually seen people coming in from it. And, to top it off a police car drove up in the middle of this (from the opposite direction - in full view) with siren and lights on. They stopped shut off the lights and siren and got out and watched.... silently. You can find this on Red Voice Media. Every coast is a border also....

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Every port, coast and waterway they say is under maritime jurisdiction. Port authority. Is this federal? Don't know. Ask the cops.

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Sorry folks.... just read the post - it's La Jolla (not la Joya) Spellchecker madness!!

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Go. And Nullify MORE!

You are now free to Nullify about the Country.

That is one small Nullify for Man. And one giant Nullification for Mankind.

Ask not what your Nullification can do for you. Ask what YOU can do with Nullification!

I pledge allegiance to the Nullification and to The Republic for which it stands, one nation under Nullification, with Liberty and Justice for all.

Lets get Nullifying. I wanna get nullifying. Let's get into Nullifying. Let me hear your Nullifying Talk.

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Fentanyl is the hot button - most comes in from China and not the Texas border. This “insurrection” by the state of Texas is preparing for Republican rule throughout he country - Trump may not be elected so the Republicans are flexing their muscle via state action now, very interesting but the immigrants are the scapegoats in this situation. States have more power to disrupt feds but are still dependent on fed tax dollars never forget that this is a co-dependent relationship with a sitting democratic president. We don’t need fentanyl to kill off the population the vax is working quite well and according to WHO,WEF, UN plan using our DoD to bring this poison to the world; world leaders are drug dealers operating their own cartel using the law to coerce 190+ countries to comply. Wake up people.

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You're misinformed about the flow of fentanyl.

It is: China (raw chemicals) -> Mexico (manufacture) -> US.


"DEA officials warn that criminal drug networks in Mexico are mass-producing deadly fentanyl and fentanyl-laced, fake prescription pills, using chemicals sourced largely from China. These fake prescription pills are designed to appear nearly identical to legitimate prescriptions—such as Oxycontin®, Percocet®, Vicodin®, Adderall®, Xanax® and other medicines—and have been found in every state in the country."

How do you think it's reaching the US from Mexico? NAFTA trade agreements?

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YES! I am so glad a politician finally stood up and said NO to Brandon. And at last count 25 states are standing with Texas! Could there be hope for this country?

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Colorado is not one of the states that stands with Texas. Bunches of the illegals are probably going to be deposited here, all over the place. I was picking someone up at a ski bus stop and there was someone using the restroom who didn't even know how to lock the door. The bathroom had t.p. all up in the corners of the floor, because the illegals come from places with poor plumbing and they throw their crappy paper on the floor. We'll be getting these illegals, and we already have parks full of homeless folk. I wonder who's housing the Illegals, who's feeding them, what are all the big locked-up buildings around here for, and what's going on that we aren't supposed to know about? I have one friend who lost her daughter to accidental fentanyl overdose. When it reaches critical mass, things are going to be different around here. We're going to find out thing about ourselves we didn't know.

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I believe I read that Denver is a sanctuary city. If so, illegals have already been bussed to there. Many illegals have been bussed to sanctuary cities so those cities can understand the problems that the border states & cities are having. Too many illegals put too much strain on local services. Why should Texas have all the fun? They're sharing with all the stupid Democrat sanctuary cities like New York, Chicago, LA and more, who are now complaining that there are too many, they can't cope with the numbers of illegals being bussed to their cities. Nothing good from the feds has happened yet, so Abbott is defending his state. Way to go, Texas!

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Yes, and besides the societal strains, I think that eventually it could be that we who never voted for any of this will be faced with it in real life, and be required to respond not just with 'kindness and tolerance' as is preached to us, but with a very different one.

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Fentanyl is fast acting most people would not take. Vax many willing victims filled with fear took it now will die slow. Government equal to cartels by pushing killer vax with immunity to all involved in bringing this poison to the world.

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Well, see, there are pills made to look like other pills. Plus, here the doctors were told to stop prescribing legal pain pills to patients after a certain point in treatment, so those who had gotten into them and learned to cope by having them, started swapping them around with friends. Things like vicodin, ADD drugs, etc. are getting faked by people cutting them with something cheaper and moulding them into lookalikes. That's the sort of thing that happened to my friend's daughter.

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Spouse medically injured “legally” addicted to oxy and Vicodin by “pain” specialists or legal drug pushers for years. Finally we got him off oxy took longer for Vicodin withdrawals led to hospitalization at age 82. 30 plus years of dependency and limiting travel due to need to see doc monthly for new prescription - birds eye viewof addiction in the so called medical world - doctors as dealers, pharmacies as drug cartels in cahoots with “legal” pharma. Hell for family and user. Still has addictive tendencies but is glad to be free of this curse.

Sorry so many were addicted by docs and then

Left to their own devices seeking street drugs. A lost generation and the Sackler’s who made OxyContin enriched themselves and have yet been made accountable meanwhile the folks they addicted are dead, in jail or homeless. Read Gabor Mate M.D. on reduction of harm for addicted population in Canada. Find his books in the library.


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Jon, this is not a nullification. Nullification would be a state refusing to comply with Federal law based on constitutional principles. This is a case of the state trying to comply with federal law. Calling it nullification gets the feds off the hook, since they have already weaponized that word and the media is used to using that weapon. The accurate characterization is that the feds are violating their oaths of office by not executing the laws of the US and committing treason by economically punishing Texas--the lng export ban and likely more to come. The house should impeach sleepy joe as soon as he wakes up monday. Fat chance, they're all in on it, including many TX congressmen, surprisingly with Hispanic surnames. I guess they love fentanyl and chinese military-aged men, too. Talk about treason.

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The Federal Government will extort compliance from Texas.

"Stop and desist or no Federal Highway Funds for you, Texas."

I saw this play out before when Reagan did the above to get all states to raise the drinking age to 21.

I remember when the Feds said, "Texas, if you sue the TSA for sexually abusing passengers in the terminal, no more FAA flights for your state."

Texas will either secede from the Union or comply with DC.

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Rip em up jon❗ this rouge federal government has just about pushed the people over the limit

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Fentanyl, sex trafficking, prostitution, corrupt politicians, judges, police, etc. flooding the Hawaiian islands. Check out www.hawaiifreepress.com.(online news). Recently, Hawaii Free Press reported Hawaii is the most corrupted State in the USA....about 600 pimps were indicted three months ago.

According to a trusted source in Hawaii a pimp averages $100,000 a year! Waikiki is loaded with prostitutes, drug dealers, homeless people, which includes locals, and mentally ill people who are sent to Hawaii from other states to lower their homeless population. Why Hawaii ? The tropical climate. It doesn't snow in Waikiki. However, you can find snow on the highest volcanos.

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Rip em up jon❗ this rouge federal government has just about pushed the people over the limit

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Thanks for the correction but my question now is why buy on the street- what motivates young people to take substances that can kill in an instant. Bright kids showing no judgement and taking these drugs on their own not in groups. Something is seriously wrong when so many young people are playing a version of Russian roulette with drugs.

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