Professional Football (NFL) morphed over recent years into the Entertainment Division where the rules are less strict about throwing games and betting, etc. and guys no longer feel the need to take the knee since BLM burned itself out and everyone lined up to get the Jabs as their Patriotic duty. Well, not everyone, but the Exemptions are counted in that 100% compliance, I guarantee.

I recall my dear departed Dad (gone 20 years now) telling me about his years playing high school football. He was a pretty good player and his coach was brutal to the team by today's standards. The coach told the young teenage boys that he had to be tough on them because he was training them for real combat, about teamwork, because real War was coming soon for Americans. He was right. After Pearl Harbor, the high school seniors were told not wait to be drafted, that they could go join up and would be given credit for graduating even though they still had another semester to go. My Dad joined the Army at 18, got trained in the Army Corps of Engineers that was ultimately deployed to the Philippines, Okinawa and finally Japan before he got to come home after 4 years since Pearl Harbor.

That being said, after all these years and seeing all the Lies that get us into wars, I am 100% against War except for defending our own borders. AS we see, no one in Power gives a Rats Patoot about that. Rockefeller/UN/WEF Open Borders/Free Migration with intense Chaos on the way. National Sovereignty, fuhgedaboutit.

Here's an official source on how many bombs were dropped and where - Obama sure had his favs


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Sweet Truth, Jon. I stopped watching the NFL two years ago.

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Succinctly put I never realized the hydra that is that partnership with the NFL and the Military. Here-fore condoning killing, maiming and violence. Around the world, genocides on going. As if each of those lives isn’t as valuable as the rest of ours. A truly sickening partnership that is.

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What happened to the potential phasing out of football because it unavoidably causes repeated brain injuries which can lead to cognitive decline and dementia? Has football been made brain-safe recently? What are the results of the study of the bequeathed brains of ex-football players, including those who've committed suicide because of the brain damage?

Who needs the added speculation about potential vaccine injury when football is inherently a delivery system for a multitude of mechanisms of profound injury?

If the players and the watchers tolerate these realities in real time, why should they not tolerate the maiming of those foreign multitudes who are out of sight?

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Bread and Circuses.

Usta be a season ticket holder in the club section 4 seats not cheap. Then I learned about how welfare and entertainment pacifies and distracts so they can do Whatever they want to the populations. Plus the NFL wanted the guns, so American of them, bye bye NFL. I remember the Military fly byes and honoring the in person Air Force personal at the beginning of the games. I have 10 years of almost no spectatorship. I watch 1 or 2 games a year. Im a hypocrite. Love sports. I pull the handle maybe once every year or 2. Getting there.

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And let's not forget about Major League Baseball while we're at it! An alleged “conservative” organization that went along with all the draconian public health directives. NEVER FORGET!

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Yet another connection that remained cloudy until made clear by Jon. An eye-opener!

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Sanitized warfare is propaganda fit for prime time viewing and conditioned acceptance of the incomprehensible. Jon, you’ve yanked the astroturf from the eyes of the willfully blinded. Bravo!

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This is reminding me slightly of the Mayan "juego de la pelota" kind of sacrifices...

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I think there are many sacrifices going on that we are not privy to. Take Hollywood for instance...

Lots of very weird stuff going on there!

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I was here in 1986! I was 23 years old! My friend climbed to the top of the pyramid, it was too narrow and hot, so I passed.

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It was intense to climb up, missed you there by a few years! did you get to clap your hands at the bottom of and hear the "caw" bird sound? And the whispers that can be heard at each side of el juego de la pelota field not far from it? They were worshiping a winged serpent snake... and well.... things are getting stranger with all these "events", that is for sure.

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I remember that I was the only one not hungover! Lol!

And yes, it’s a very interesting time to be alive, for sure! I’ve never seen anything like this in 59 years. The world is definitely going through something. I feel it.

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Brilliant, Jon. You are gathering steam Man. You are running faster than the wind. You are a wild stallion on the range.

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The cold hard facts thanks Jon, Rusian Orthodox Jews control Russia? Khazarian mafia control WEF Ukrain/Khazria and most western governments? We are all goyim/dispenseble cattle?

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"...this world is conceived in anger--and in hatred, and in hunger--no less than it is conceived in love: that is one of the things that boxing is about. It is so simple a thing it might be overlooked."

- Joyce Carol Oates, "On Boxing"

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I am glad I do not even know the rules of the football game!

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I’m so old I remember vietnam

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foosball love you man keep up the good work

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There was one sport organization that did not mandate the vaccine and has not had a live incident, the UFC.

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