DAY 5: I am the President and this is what I’m doing
The success of urban farming; the backlash from the grifters; Barack Obama; Bill Gates; civil war in two states; isolationism
To read Day 4, go here. To read Day 6, go here.
We now have 137 urban farms operating in inner cities across America. Many more are on the way. Local residents are growing their own food, and selling the excess. They’re making a profit. They’re successful capitalists.
Interestingly, our work in clearing inner cities of gangs, and launching these urban farms, is coming under attack from “community activists” and politicians.
The charge is: racism. Barack Obama claims we are patronizing inner city people. He states we are imposing our will without gaining permission from those who are now benefiting and succeeding on their own.
Apparently, we should be giving people something, not asking them to work for something. We should operate as a public charity.