Jan 29·edited Jan 29

This "government" you speak of has been totally blackmailed and corrupted beyond any repair. THERE ARE NO POLITICAL SOLUTIONS. Unless everyone wants to wind up in death camps ( 30 minute cities) we need to shout out load to all those who have followers to start advocating that we need to stop supporting this insanity. CUT OFF THEIR BALLS! DO NOT FILE INCOME TAX.

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I think the confrontation at Eagle Pass is a scam.

While people are distracted by that location, and a few others, the rest of

the border is open.

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This invasion started THEEE YEARS ago, so why the heck hasn't Texas done this EARLIER??? Could this be a dangerous federal (or Trump?) set-up?

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Over the years I have joined movements, supported causes, donated to legal teams, signed uncountable petitions and all with no or very little result. The only way for humanity to escape the ruling elite's clutches. is for each one of us to overcome our own fears. This is what they have used to dominate and control us with their "witchcraft" since the dawn of time. As long as we are primarily concerned with our own little lives this dominance will never end in any lasting way.

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Suppose they created a government and everyone just laughed.

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They have deliberately turned the citizens into debt sureties. Their pay day is imminent.

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No problem.

I am a plumber.

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Great. What I am still trying to work out is this. If Emergency powers can supersede The Law of This Land, what warrants their free ticket to allow this to go on for even 10 more minutes? When it it clearly obvious what they are using these Acts for?

Where are the honest people with integrity in our country? That will Honor our Constitution and correct this type of loophole garbage crap? Avalanches of rights are taken away indefinitely after they pull this card. The obvious. We know it is done purposely. Doesn't take the smartest guy in the room to see this. So, my interest is to change that.

When Rappoport reports an issue like the Purposely Wide Open Boarder and the ensuing potential death of this country and other Governors and Truckers plan to back Gov Abbott, they ain't in, "I don't believe in The American Constitution POPULAR fad. No they are probably thinking about having a country to protect and live in for themselves and their children. That kind of thing. And so am I. I like the basis of this legitimate Constitution. It can be used to clean up this mess.

It is said that there is now so much legislation in place that if you where to get rid of the Patriot Act, for example, absolutely nothing would change, because they apparently worked very hard at legislating its parts as well to this end, to keep it going.

That does not work for me.

This needs to come to the light of day. A government that will do the job it was created by the people to do. Defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

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While if you have already sent a letter to your congress representative and found that to be somewhat uninspiring due to the likely "canned" response you'll get...try to think of us all as drops of water in the sea...as a single drop we have no influence over the tide but as a collective working together we become a tide that can perhaps nudge the "sands of influence" in the "appropriate direction"...I sent the following to Mike Johnson Speaker of the House and actually got the anticipated "canned" reply however my letter did "register"...perhaps consider cutting and pasting the attached letter and sending yourself to Speaker Johnson or even better make one up yourself...do something...take action...no action, no result...action is required to initiate a response and with enough action perhaps we'll actually see our government go to work for "we the people"...

An open Letter to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson-Feel free to copy and distribute as you see fit…

Dear Congressman Johnson,

While I am not from your area, as a citizen of the United States residing in Washington State, I implore you to recognize, as your responsibility as acting current Speaker of the House and as such your influence and role being quintessential to considerations surrounding the security of the border and Sovereignty of the United States of America, that there is seemingly NO SECURITY at our Southern Border and we are currently being subject to overwhelming and considerably hostile invasion by foreign nationals. A situation under most definitions that could arguably be defined as an Act of War given the sheer numbers flowing unrestricted into and past our Southern Border.

Where is the leadership in Government? Why aren't vigorous and earnest impeachment proceedings being pursued and expedited against all levels of leadership, including the current President, for allowing this invasion to occur...why is the critical leadership of our supposedly Sovereign Nation so weak? The majority of representatives, to my knowledge, don't even acknowledge this emergency threat to our Sovereignty and most of them blame the influx of illegal aliens on policies former president Trump when in fact the former President seemed to have had the situation at least under some semblance of "control". Why are you not holding the perpetrators of this illegal invasion accountable?

I respectfully charge you with said responsibility and would expect that this border issue be deemed a national security concern to the extent that a state of emergency be declared, and the border closed to Mexico and further influx of any non-citizen of the United States of America be immediately halted by any means necessary including utilizing Military and or State National Guard resources. Those responsible in the Biden Administration, including President Biden and/or any other Government elected or appointed positions openly supporting this illegal and Un-Constitutional invasion, should be immediately relived of their duties and held accountable to the full extent of the law for their high crimes and gross negligence including and up to insurrection and Treason against the United States of America should that be applicable and appropriate. Immigration laws must be enforced and those within Government positions who blatantly and wantonly violate said laws should be held to the highest repercussions for violating the enforcement of such laws and be tried in a court of law and be sentenced accordingly if found guilty.

Sir, with all due respect, if you do not act within the scope of your responsibility to pursue this dire emergency then you too should be held responsible for not doing your duty as well.

Please do your duty Congressman, we the people are counting on you to do so and protect our most sacred Constitutional Rights, National Sovereignty and enforce the laws therein and subject to...please do what is right and just as our Country is waiting for you and those members of Congress that still follow the Constitution and Rule of Law, to overcome the corruption running rampant at the highest levels of Government and put a STOP to it!!!

We're all running out of time and Country if you don't...

With respect and utmost concern,

(Your name)- Sovereign citizen and proud patriot of the Republic of the United States of America...please act immediately against this dire threat to our National Security and Sovereignty and resurrect Law and Order as prescribed by Statue and Legal interpretation AND prescribed implementation of the Law. Once you get a handle on that, go back and also seek to prosecute all Government, Federal and State, officials that created, condoned and participated in illegal formation and propagation of so called "Sanctuary Cities"…How about the "RULE OF LAW" Congressman...maybe that needs a bit of consideration as well and how it should apply EQUALLY TO EVERYONE...Now there's another thought for you to "chew" on but again, better yet...ACT ON...Thank you for your VERY serious consideration of this crucial matter...

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Can’t us citizens get a class action lawsuit against the federal government for damages (there are many we can list)

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Thats right. Americans have the right a d duty to protect and defend our freedoms.and our property. 🇱🇷

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I do not think California will send any troops to support Texas for fear they will not come back.

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We don't need no constitution. We don't need no thought control.

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Everyone needs to quit trying to change anything but themselves. All real change starts there.

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Nicely put. All of it. All states should participate in stopping protecting the borders when the Feds are out to lunch.

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