Federal Secrets Declassification Task Force—I DARE YOU TO DISCLOSE THIS
MAGA Nation, here are your new marching orders; listen up
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has announced a new task force that, this time, will REALLY expose the hidden truth about 9/11, the JFK and RFK and MLK assassinations, the Epstein files, UFOs, and so on…
We’ll see.
But I have something that’s such a big medical secret it never needed classification or declassification.
For more than 15 years I’ve been putting it out in the open—and before that, it had already been published.
Since I’ve been exposing it, I know of only ONE reporter in the world who has picked up on it.
So you see? It’s out in the open but it’s still a secret.
Because people have been afraid to disclose it. Afraid of what the truth would cause.
So…this new task force claims it’ll be different from all other past government groups? OK, prove it. Declassify THIS!
I urge readers to send this document to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna. Her contact info is here. If you hear nothing back, raise hell.
True data are ignored.
What data? Actual numbers of deaths and maiming CAUSED by medical treatment.
ONE: July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US health really the best in the world?” (link)
Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that’s 2.25 million deaths. You might want to read that last number again.
I interviewed Starfield in 2009. I asked her whether she was aware of any overall effort by the US government to eliminate this holocaust. She answered a resounding NO. She also said her estimate of medically caused deaths in America was on the conservative side.
TWO: “The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author is Donald Light, the 2013 recipient of ASA’s (American Sociological Association’s) Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology. Light is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.
Donald Light: “Epidemiologically, appropriately prescribed, prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death, tied with stroke at about 2,460 deaths each week in the United States. About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the United States and Europe. They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about 20 times more hospitalizations [6.6 million annually], as well as falls, road accidents, and [annually] about 80 million medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others. Deaths and adverse effects from overmedication, errors, and self-medication would increase these figures.” (ASA publication, “Footnotes,” November 2014)
THREE: Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998: “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients.”
The authors, led by Jason Lazarou, culled 39 previous studies on patients in hospitals. These patients, who received drugs in hospitals, or were admitted to hospitals because they were suffering from the drugs doctors had given them, met the following fate:
Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the drugs.
Beyond that, every year 2.2 million hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.
The authors write: “...Our study on ADRs [Adverse Drug Reactions], which excludes medication errors, had a different objective: to show that there are a large number of ADRs even when the drugs are properly prescribed and administered.”
So this study had nothing to do with doctor errors, nurse errors, or improper combining of drugs. And it only counted people killed or maimed who were admitted to hospitals. It didn't begin to tally all the people taking pharmaceuticals who died as consequence of the drugs, at home.
FOUR: BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: “It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”
The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”
The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”
Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Every public health agency knows the truth.
FIVE: None of the above reports factor in death or injury by vaccine.
Barbara Loe Fisher, of the private National Vaccine Information Center, has put together a reasonable analysis:
“But how many children have [adverse] vaccine reactions every year? Is it really only one in 110,000 or one in a million who are left permanently disabled after vaccination? Former FDA Commissioner David Kessler observed in 1993 that less than 1 percent of doctors report adverse events following prescription drug use. [See DA Kessler, ‘Introducing MEDWatch,’ JAMA, June 2, 1993: 2765-2768]”
“There have been estimates that perhaps less than 5 or 10 percent of doctors report hospitalizations, injuries, deaths, or other serious health problems following vaccination. The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act contained no legal sanctions for not reporting; doctors can refuse to report and suffer no consequences.”
“Even so, each year about 12,000 reports are made to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS]; parents as well as doctors can make those reports. [See RT Chen, B. Hibbs, ‘Vaccine safety,’ Pediatric Annals, July 1998: 445-458]”
“However, if that number represents only 10 percent of what is actually occurring, then the actual number may be 120,000 vaccine-adverse events [per year]. If doctors report vaccine reactions as infrequently as Dr. Kessler said they report prescription-drug reactions, and the number 12,000 is only 1 percent of the actual total, then the real number may be 1.2 million vaccine-adverse events annually.”
Medical crimes.
Medically caused deaths of friends, family members, loved ones, who are buried along with the truth.
No criminal investigations, no prosecutions, no guilty verdicts, no prison sentences.
Given the reports on medically caused death and maiming I’ve just cited and described, it’s obvious that leading medical journals around the world, which routinely publish glowing accounts of clinical trials of medical drugs, are spilling over with rank fraud, on page after page. Because these drugs are killing people.
Indeed, here is a stunning quote from a woman who has quite probably read and analyzed more medical-drug studies than any doctor in the world:
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption)
—What will the new task force disclosing government secrets do with this document?
Let’s find out.
If it does nothing, we’ll know it’s a fraud.
MAGA Nation, here are your new marching orders; listen up
Listen up, Trump, Stephen Miller, Musk, Tucker, Hannity, but not just you.
I’m talking to any MAGA who has a blog, podcast, website, social media account.
I’ve been around the block on this subject a few thousand time since 1988, and I know what works and what doesn’t.
Let’s start here. When Hegseth and Noem went up on the Hill for confirmation, they could talk about the open border without bringing high heat down on their heads, because GROUNDWORK had already been laid for at least four years:
Story after story in the press highlighting crimes committed by illegal aliens. Venezuelan gangsters taking over an apartment complex in Aurora, several mass murders by car crashes, mass shootings and stabbings, MS-13 operating out on Long Island with dead bodies in the ground, Mex cartels setting up shop in Idaho…on and on and on.
Stories and horrors that couldn’t be denied. NYC cops were saying 40 percent of all crimes in Times Square were committed by migrants.
It all traced back to the open southern border.
The avalanche of crime stories could no longer be denied.
When Trump makes his moves on the border and illegals, he’s doing it FROM THAT BASIS, from the reality all America knows about—because it’s been covered in the press, in the conservative press, and even in the mainstream. For years.
But when Robert Kennedy went into his confirmation hearing, the stage hadn’t been prepared. Because the independent press hadn’t been publishing enough TRUE medical horror stories.
That’s the plain fact.
If they had, Kennedy could have brought up killer meds and vaccines in a heartbeat, and Senators would have sat back and kept their mouths shut.
I’m talking about the kinds of medical stories the crew at Children’s Health Defense has been documenting on video for years, in the VAXXED films, as they’ve traveled all over America and showed the devastating effects of vaccines on children, up close and personal. The kids sitting there attached to all sorts of ugly machines, just to stay alive—after they were poleaxed by vaccines. If Joe Rogan and Tucker had aired a dozen of these video clips, they would have created a national tsunami all by themselves.
I’m talking about kids in foster homes whose brains have been destroyed by forced psychiatric meds.
I’m talking about people all over America who’ve been killed by mainstream mainline medications.
Ever read the history of Pfizer’s outrageous scandals? A chunk of it is right there out in the open at Wikipedia.
Want to know the truth about the long war of damage inflicted on the population by antidepressants, speed, and so-called anti-psychotics? A medical hero named Dr.
is living among us. Tap his decades of knowledge and his one-man victories against the psychiatric establishment. Put him on camera and stand back. He’s a star. He’ll decimate the whole psychiatric establishment in 20 minutes.Understand?
Don’t stint. Realize that one PRIME front in the MAGA war against corruption is MEDICAL. Don’t back off. Don’t be shy.
Stop pussyfooting around. Go hell for leather.
Build the case. Lay the groundwork.
True story after true story.
Don’t assume the alliance between Trump and Kennedy was just a smart political maneuver. Both men say they want to make America healthy again? Take that literally and attack the most significant source of sickness in the Western World. The medical cartel.
Here’s a stick of dynamite for you. I’ve covered this a few hundred times in the last 15 years. Dr. Barbara Starfield’s review, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” (link). It was published on July 26, 2000, in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Bottom line: Every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. Extrapolate that to a decade—2.25 million killings!
Since I began writing and talking about Starfield’s review, I know of only ONE reporter who’s written about it. ONE.
Suppose a few hundred reporters had picked up on it and exposed it to the public. And THEN…
At his hearing on the Hill, Kennedy had waved a copy of the review around and impaled every Senator in the room on the point of his spear?
They would have sat there, mute, their faces drained of blood.
And we would have a different country today.
So…all you MAGA communicators…get busy. If you can’t stand the heat you’ll attract from the Left, get the hell out of the kitchen. Otherwise…
Lay some pipe. Build the groundwork.
Prepare the scene.
So the whole MAGA army can steamroll the politicians who are on the take from Medical and Pharma and then put them out with the trash.
And yes, do the same to Big Pharma.
MEDICAL is NOT a side-issue.
I’m especially talking to you, Stephen Miller. I sense you’re one of the Big Brains behind The Man in the Oval.
Think through what I’m writing here.
MAGA doesn’t win the War without a victory over the medical cartel.
That’s a plain fact.
-- Jon Rappoport
We will get the redacted truth. The government will never give up its secrets or the truth. It is beyond their capability and agenda. They always fear that the more we know, the less we will see a need for them. They have to keep everything a big old fat secret so that they remain the masters and we languish as the slaves. With any government, it can be no other way.
I’m sorry that I haven’t had time to read your entire article but I’m glad you’re addressing this. I believe at one time medical errors were the second highest cause of death in the United States. I’m not sure what that number is now. But we have a couple of things going on. One is the desire for organ donation. That needs to be clearly investigated. The other is Hospice care and what happens at end of life. Starvation…overdosing. That doesn’t usually entail any organ donation, but there are some things going on there that need to be investigated. Of course the clot shot killed a lot of people. Most people are still in denial about that. Some people think we don’t have the best medical care in the world, that we’re pretty good, but that’s simply not true. We are actually killing people. So glad you wrote this article. We need to entirely throw out the entire Rockefeller medical system and rebuild our medical schools and institutions. Maybe we could borrow Elon‘s buzz saw.