We will get the redacted truth. The government will never give up its secrets or the truth. It is beyond their capability and agenda. They always fear that the more we know, the less we will see a need for them. They have to keep everything a big old fat secret so that they remain the masters and we languish as the slaves. With any government, it can be no other way.
Gil Scott-Heron: "The revolution will not be televised". Indeed, there won't be a revolution; instead a death by attrition. Those beholden to the existing medical model will disappear in similar manner to the age 70+ viewers of network news, gradually dying off. I live for that time when Big Pharma will die on the vine because the public will take personal responsibility, trusting their own health-minded research more than the white lab coats.
Welcome to those who are making their own decisions! I'm sure you've always been one of them, but I cannot recall the last time you made a comment (and my memory is still pretty good for that sort of thing).
Ozempic, just like every other method to lose weight, is weaponized...
I was born a contrarian and more often than not it's served me well. Of course it helps to know a bit of history here and there along with keeping an ear to the track.
I don't remember what I had for breakfast (well, actually I do) but I do recall having posted here many times during the past year. Does hiding in plain sight now make me suspect?
Ozempic, says Bryan Ardis, is made from gila monster toxin.
What do you mean by "just like every other method to lose weight . . . ?". How about systematically addressing the components of metabolic dysfunction. Most people would respond if they learned the underpinnings of good dietary practices.
A truly cynical view of human nature and government… but you’re probably right as history sure supports your views. Either way I will help push for the powerful revolutionary Trump administration to continue the necessary ITERATIVE gains in exposing criminality, corruption, fraud, theft and waste in our Washington District of Criminals cesspool….. Some higher levels of transparency , efficiency and accountability to the citizens who voted these grifters into office, while curbing the totalitarian leanings of the technocracy , should be our goals!
Taking a cleaver instead of a scalpel to the firings is IMO its own brand of wreckage.
But I have no idea how I would sort out the keeper government employees in the short term from the gravy train shufflers whose presence are a drain on the system.
Careful what we wish for. The T&M show may well be a veiled fast track to Technocracy while many of the starstruck loyalists are still gloating over budgetary improvement from the waste reduction.
Slavery it is, but anarchy usually leads to feudalistic systems, and the same timetable starts over.
After abolishing the fraudulent agencies, the same power will be centralized and used for closing the lid on the tiny crate that has been left on personal freedom:
There is no "we" with any power. As long as they control the money flow (which includes most of production and distribution by now), there isn't much people can do, even if "knew it all." And no, "their technology is light-years ahead of what people know (which is why the idea of "aliens" sells), so "they" are anything but afraid. In fact, they have been making fun of their victims forever. Georgia Guidestones, anyone?
True, even more than their billions is the fact that "they" are much more organized than We The People.
I vacillate between good days when I believe we can forestall their 2030 ambitions and bad days when it seems there are too few inquiring minds and too many go-along-to-get-alongs.
I’m sorry that I haven’t had time to read your entire article but I’m glad you’re addressing this. I believe at one time medical errors were the second highest cause of death in the United States. I’m not sure what that number is now. But we have a couple of things going on. One is the desire for organ donation. That needs to be clearly investigated. The other is Hospice care and what happens at end of life. Starvation…overdosing. That doesn’t usually entail any organ donation, but there are some things going on there that need to be investigated. Of course the clot shot killed a lot of people. Most people are still in denial about that. Some people think we don’t have the best medical care in the world, that we’re pretty good, but that’s simply not true. We are actually killing people. So glad you wrote this article. We need to entirely throw out the entire Rockefeller medical system and rebuild our medical schools and institutions. Maybe we could borrow Elon‘s buzz saw.
Yes Suzi, you’re absolutely correct! Sadly, this is going on in Ireland too! You’re blessed thought to have some excellent but Only A Few Good Doctors in America! Listen and study carefully from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Jennifer Daniels, Mike Adams, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny on www.vaticancatholic.comwww.naturalnews.com
Fantastic lectures, debates, discussions and more…..
Eat a wholesome organic diet as much as possible, use the beautiful herbs, pine needle tea and wild garlic that God is providing us with everywhere, drink pure water, get some daily fresh air and exercise and stay away from Hospitals, Doctors unless you really need them!! Mostly , convert to the Traditional Catholic Faith, the One true Catholic Church Outside of Which There Is Absolutely No Salvation! Please see www.vaticancatholic.Co
Greetings, heartfelt prayers and blessings with so much warmest love. ❤️ from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 xxx
Mary, thank you for such a lovely and information filled response. Yes, I do follow many of the people that you mentioned. It is a crazy time we’re living in. I wish you the greatest of health and happiness and the ability to continue to spread your light.
And when this fact is brought up, to either the masspeople or individually, the recipient of this info will treat you as if you were blaspheming their gods, or their religion. I have noticed more mainstream truths coming out lately. "Only when Katie Couric reports it will the masspeople believe it". I wrote that about twenty years ago and still true, and worse today. So what Jon writes is absolutely the reality. The data, the sources are all out there, he has compiled them so perfectly in this report. Excellent lifetime of work, Jon!
I have not read any better explanation(s) than Dr. Judy Wood's book: 'Where Did The Towers Go' for 9/11. It seems to me there is going to be extreme particular topics to deflect from a lot of truth. Hand picked topics/talking points.
The American Medical Association's acronym, AMA needs to change to AMMA--the American Medical Murder Association. Since the 1910 Flexner Report, and even before with the 1847 establishment of the American Medical Association, medicine became an instrument of war against Americans, the Fifth Column. Create trust in and adoration of the White Coated professional with a stethoscope draped over their shoulder and the public believes every word from their mouths, follows their advice to take whatever is offered as manna from heaven to bring them immortality. The seal of the AMA? The product must be 'safe and effective'. Tavistock Institute, est 1947, went right to work and used films, novels, commercials, etc... to brainwash the public to, among other
things, follow the white coated piper, (unknowingly to an early grave), to bow down to this new 'father' god. An example--"Father Knows Best" with Robert Young began as a radio show, 1949-1954, morphed into a TV show, 1954-1960 then Robert Young became Marcus Welby, MD, 1969-1976.
By the way, for 14 years, I have worked as a bereavement counselor so much of what I hear of what is happening is anecdotal. But I’m getting it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. The big shocker to me is what happens with regard to organ donation, and people who are ventilated.
Well, I think clients come in and tell their truth and their feelings about their experience with their loss. Certainly, there can be some finger pointing as to the death. I try to listen openly and nonjudgmentally, but I also volunteered at a hospice for eight years, so I have a little bit of experience with death and dying. In addition to my multiple personal experiences. At the end of the day, I suppose everything someone says must be taken with a grain of salt, and filtered through their emotional state. At least, I think that’s what you’re saying. in which case, I concur.
I am guessing the clients come in and tell you stuff that isn't based on fact. Over and over. Misplaced grief about the truth of the loss.?? And if that is true, that's an interesting situation to deal with.
Chlorine Dioxide cured my MS and has been reported to cure or greatly help with just about any chronic illness, only costs about .10 per treatment. Both Big Harma and the Fraudulent Death Agency have gone out of their way to bann and demonize it's use. Link has free book download :
Andreas Kalcker, among others, has made chlorine dioxide accessible, easy to use and very popular. My wife took a Zoom workshop with his organization and was with dozens of doctors and other health practitioners from Latin America. They had testimonials about successes with their patients and asked technical questions for conditions they were currently treating. Chlorine dioxide addresses issues at the bio-chemical level. In addition to doing clinical and lab research on chlorine dioxide, Kalcker's organization is also investigating treatment modalities that involve frequencies. They have several devices which are effective in treating various conditions. A large "community" has formed via Internet connection and various workshops and trainings. And . . . this is only one of MANY such communities I'm aware of which are forming around individuals and groups willing to share these emerging SOLUTIONS. It is OK to complain about current conditions. But then, let's go into action and work on finding what works. We work it, we make it better, and we share it with those who are interested. Not everybody will be interested--and that is totally OK.
Trump supports my Trojan Horse theory, once again - To summarize, the War was won, and the Man is in the White House. Celebrations abound. And, as with the soldiers hidden in the Trojan Horse, Trump starts to peek out.....
For example, a couple days ago at some assembly, Trump sees the CEO of Pfizer in the audience and calls Albert Bourla a great person and a great businessman. This is the equivalent of pouring a bucket full of shit on Kennedy's head, and ours. This, along with his love of Israel are two major indications that it's " On with the show "........ the BIG show, a New World Order. Cleaning up dirty America, which has destroyed or harmed over 57 nations since WWII ( Spreading Democracy ? - What? are you kidding ?????) , is just a distraction. So what if America is somewhat cleaned up if it gets destroyed in the process ?
Bourla is a Great Man ? - Only a psychopath would say or think that. Unbelievable. How many times has Pfizer been fined millions for producing drugs that kill or maim or harm thousands if not millions of people ? And, not one person goes to jail. Not one person loses his/her job. Not once has the company been told to dissolve and never produce another death pill or vaccine. Imagine.
Agreed…Trump has become a religion to some as jabs have to others…when they said the jabs are “safe and effective” the unwritten fine print reads “safe from liability and effective and making a ton of money while destroying health.”
Yea, also in that speech, Trump asks if he should run again and the crowd goes nuts. Symptomatic of people looking " out there " for solutions to their problems, instead of within....
Have you tried communicating this to President Trump? The gathered crowd made sure he understood their opinion. (BTW our country has harmed more than 57 countries).
Listen up! If any of you have experienced this, as I have, you know just how bad it is. I've experienced it myself and watched helplessly as it took my mother out. Yes, listen up. We get what we demand and demand we must, We cannot go through this repeatedly again and again as they continue attempts at rolling out fake pandemics. Don't whine about how much truth you will or won't get. Just make your presence known. Make your views known.
I urge readers to send this document to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna. Her contact info is here. https://luna.house.gov/contact If you hear nothing back, raise hell.
Add: one husband dead from suicidal ideation after being prescribed Prozac SSRI for short term (situational) depression in 1993, two women friends died from turbo cancers in 2021 after their doctors encouraged them to get the Covid vaccine and boosters. They were both in great breast cancer remission and were dead within 6 months of their last boosters.
Will President Trump and Senator Robert Kennedy address the devastation that was caused by the Covid hoax?? Millions were affected, in one way or another! Here in Ireland they are still pushing the Covid poisonous jabs……
God bless each and every one of You. Thank you 🙏 too. Xx
This RFK is a junior. He was not a senator. He did run as a Democratic Party candidate for U.S. President (the Democratic Party fought this and ran a candidate that circumvented primary elections). He does have a long history of work to improve/restore the environment and health.
First class Jon. If I ever become a journalist you will be my template. Thanks for the links to the sources. Great stuff. This post gets printed and stuck on the wall and the sources read. My 92 year old, healthy, dad was one of those who fell victim to this evil crime. I was kept in the dark until it was too late. I could not protect him from the imprisoners and drug pushers who killed him and were no doubt paid somehow for so doing. Doctors obviously know what is going on - his medical records recorded the exasperated scorn of one so called doctor trying to distance herself from obvious malfeasance only weeks before his death. The Death Home had given 10 times the drug she prescribed. A drug contraindicated for him but habitually used a sedative despite being labeled not to be. My brainwashed brother says that 10 is not much more than 1. That 10, as opposed to 1, is still within the prescribing range. So it could not have been that, or the other 20 drugs dad was put on, age 92, after a life time of drug avoidance, that killed him. No, he died of "covid". That is what it says on the death certificate so it must be true. Oh, and those "falls" you didn't tell me about at the time, they weren't dad fighting back were they?
I agree this needs investigation. I don't know if the chart is still out there or if it brought up to date but in the past you could read it for yourselves. There was also a site that showed how much each physician was paid by pharma. The figure you show is the last one I saw so figuring they mess with statistics if is more than reported. Just saying.
We will get the redacted truth. The government will never give up its secrets or the truth. It is beyond their capability and agenda. They always fear that the more we know, the less we will see a need for them. They have to keep everything a big old fat secret so that they remain the masters and we languish as the slaves. With any government, it can be no other way.
Gil Scott-Heron: "The revolution will not be televised". Indeed, there won't be a revolution; instead a death by attrition. Those beholden to the existing medical model will disappear in similar manner to the age 70+ viewers of network news, gradually dying off. I live for that time when Big Pharma will die on the vine because the public will take personal responsibility, trusting their own health-minded research more than the white lab coats.
Ignore the heading. This is about much more than just Ozempic: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2025/02/22/ozempic-linked-to-19-adverse-health-events.aspx?ui=07ff7cbae15dfbcb291631c677a7dee0ef8cdb260e7c0ee8d0c97c6542a8dd97&sd=20120512&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20250222&foDate=true&mid=DM1707651&rid=233122239
Welcome to those who are making their own decisions! I'm sure you've always been one of them, but I cannot recall the last time you made a comment (and my memory is still pretty good for that sort of thing).
Ozempic, just like every other method to lose weight, is weaponized...
I was born a contrarian and more often than not it's served me well. Of course it helps to know a bit of history here and there along with keeping an ear to the track.
I don't remember what I had for breakfast (well, actually I do) but I do recall having posted here many times during the past year. Does hiding in plain sight now make me suspect?
Ozempic, says Bryan Ardis, is made from gila monster toxin.
What do you mean by "just like every other method to lose weight . . . ?". How about systematically addressing the components of metabolic dysfunction. Most people would respond if they learned the underpinnings of good dietary practices.
My thoughts as well
A truly cynical view of human nature and government… but you’re probably right as history sure supports your views. Either way I will help push for the powerful revolutionary Trump administration to continue the necessary ITERATIVE gains in exposing criminality, corruption, fraud, theft and waste in our Washington District of Criminals cesspool….. Some higher levels of transparency , efficiency and accountability to the citizens who voted these grifters into office, while curbing the totalitarian leanings of the technocracy , should be our goals!
Taking a cleaver instead of a scalpel to the firings is IMO its own brand of wreckage.
But I have no idea how I would sort out the keeper government employees in the short term from the gravy train shufflers whose presence are a drain on the system.
Careful what we wish for. The T&M show may well be a veiled fast track to Technocracy while many of the starstruck loyalists are still gloating over budgetary improvement from the waste reduction.
Can you and I settle for realistic instead of cynical, please? I don't care for branding.
Trump's efforts WILL INEVITABLY centralize power, as the article said. Is there anything there you cannot condone?
Slavery it is, but anarchy usually leads to feudalistic systems, and the same timetable starts over.
After abolishing the fraudulent agencies, the same power will be centralized and used for closing the lid on the tiny crate that has been left on personal freedom:
There is no "we" with any power. As long as they control the money flow (which includes most of production and distribution by now), there isn't much people can do, even if "knew it all." And no, "their technology is light-years ahead of what people know (which is why the idea of "aliens" sells), so "they" are anything but afraid. In fact, they have been making fun of their victims forever. Georgia Guidestones, anyone?
True, even more than their billions is the fact that "they" are much more organized than We The People.
I vacillate between good days when I believe we can forestall their 2030 ambitions and bad days when it seems there are too few inquiring minds and too many go-along-to-get-alongs.
Here's one from the first group: https://gregreese.substack.com/p/brandon-joe-williams?
We don’t understand the technology so it appears alien.
government: literal translation means to "control the mind" I'd say they've mastered the art.
I’m sorry that I haven’t had time to read your entire article but I’m glad you’re addressing this. I believe at one time medical errors were the second highest cause of death in the United States. I’m not sure what that number is now. But we have a couple of things going on. One is the desire for organ donation. That needs to be clearly investigated. The other is Hospice care and what happens at end of life. Starvation…overdosing. That doesn’t usually entail any organ donation, but there are some things going on there that need to be investigated. Of course the clot shot killed a lot of people. Most people are still in denial about that. Some people think we don’t have the best medical care in the world, that we’re pretty good, but that’s simply not true. We are actually killing people. So glad you wrote this article. We need to entirely throw out the entire Rockefeller medical system and rebuild our medical schools and institutions. Maybe we could borrow Elon‘s buzz saw.
Yes Suzi, you’re absolutely correct! Sadly, this is going on in Ireland too! You’re blessed thought to have some excellent but Only A Few Good Doctors in America! Listen and study carefully from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Jennifer Daniels, Mike Adams, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny on www.vaticancatholic.com www.naturalnews.com
Brighteon.com and BitChute.com
Fantastic lectures, debates, discussions and more…..
Eat a wholesome organic diet as much as possible, use the beautiful herbs, pine needle tea and wild garlic that God is providing us with everywhere, drink pure water, get some daily fresh air and exercise and stay away from Hospitals, Doctors unless you really need them!! Mostly , convert to the Traditional Catholic Faith, the One true Catholic Church Outside of Which There Is Absolutely No Salvation! Please see www.vaticancatholic.Co
Greetings, heartfelt prayers and blessings with so much warmest love. ❤️ from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏 xxx
Mary, thank you for such a lovely and information filled response. Yes, I do follow many of the people that you mentioned. It is a crazy time we’re living in. I wish you the greatest of health and happiness and the ability to continue to spread your light.
Hi, maybe you are a buzz saw. I think you are. Your writing sounds like one.
I’m going to take that as a fabulous compliment!
And a fact.
I don't know anything about you and this is the first time I recall seeing you but you sound passionate to me, have a good one.
Third leading cause of death in America is medical intervention and mistakes
And when this fact is brought up, to either the masspeople or individually, the recipient of this info will treat you as if you were blaspheming their gods, or their religion. I have noticed more mainstream truths coming out lately. "Only when Katie Couric reports it will the masspeople believe it". I wrote that about twenty years ago and still true, and worse today. So what Jon writes is absolutely the reality. The data, the sources are all out there, he has compiled them so perfectly in this report. Excellent lifetime of work, Jon!
Pray tell; what are the first two?
Heart attacks and cancer if I recall. Even that could be attributed to our medical system and fake food pyramid.
I have not read any better explanation(s) than Dr. Judy Wood's book: 'Where Did The Towers Go' for 9/11. It seems to me there is going to be extreme particular topics to deflect from a lot of truth. Hand picked topics/talking points.
Sick-care is only the end stage of the common poisoning that started over a hundred years ago, but addressing that only will not save the day.
MAGA looks like a popularity scheme, and just like DOGE, is missing the point:
How about food security?
How about the house of cards the US is, ready to collapse?
And those who cannot figure out why JFK died by now, cannot be helped... (hint: he went after The Federal Reserve and the alphabet-soup agencies)
Bottom line note to congress and state legislators- DRAFT LEGISLATION BANNING mRNA VACCINES IN OUR FOOD AND LIVESTOCK !!!!
Ban it all from the food.
The American Medical Association's acronym, AMA needs to change to AMMA--the American Medical Murder Association. Since the 1910 Flexner Report, and even before with the 1847 establishment of the American Medical Association, medicine became an instrument of war against Americans, the Fifth Column. Create trust in and adoration of the White Coated professional with a stethoscope draped over their shoulder and the public believes every word from their mouths, follows their advice to take whatever is offered as manna from heaven to bring them immortality. The seal of the AMA? The product must be 'safe and effective'. Tavistock Institute, est 1947, went right to work and used films, novels, commercials, etc... to brainwash the public to, among other
things, follow the white coated piper, (unknowingly to an early grave), to bow down to this new 'father' god. An example--"Father Knows Best" with Robert Young began as a radio show, 1949-1954, morphed into a TV show, 1954-1960 then Robert Young became Marcus Welby, MD, 1969-1976.
By the way, for 14 years, I have worked as a bereavement counselor so much of what I hear of what is happening is anecdotal. But I’m getting it from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. The big shocker to me is what happens with regard to organ donation, and people who are ventilated.
It must be something like, welcome. I will bet 500 bucks I know what you are about to say. Interesting situation.
I’m not sure what you’re saying.
Well, I think clients come in and tell their truth and their feelings about their experience with their loss. Certainly, there can be some finger pointing as to the death. I try to listen openly and nonjudgmentally, but I also volunteered at a hospice for eight years, so I have a little bit of experience with death and dying. In addition to my multiple personal experiences. At the end of the day, I suppose everything someone says must be taken with a grain of salt, and filtered through their emotional state. At least, I think that’s what you’re saying. in which case, I concur.
Yeah good enough. Thanks.
I am guessing the clients come in and tell you stuff that isn't based on fact. Over and over. Misplaced grief about the truth of the loss.?? And if that is true, that's an interesting situation to deal with.
Chlorine Dioxide cured my MS and has been reported to cure or greatly help with just about any chronic illness, only costs about .10 per treatment. Both Big Harma and the Fraudulent Death Agency have gone out of their way to bann and demonize it's use. Link has free book download :
Andreas Kalcker, among others, has made chlorine dioxide accessible, easy to use and very popular. My wife took a Zoom workshop with his organization and was with dozens of doctors and other health practitioners from Latin America. They had testimonials about successes with their patients and asked technical questions for conditions they were currently treating. Chlorine dioxide addresses issues at the bio-chemical level. In addition to doing clinical and lab research on chlorine dioxide, Kalcker's organization is also investigating treatment modalities that involve frequencies. They have several devices which are effective in treating various conditions. A large "community" has formed via Internet connection and various workshops and trainings. And . . . this is only one of MANY such communities I'm aware of which are forming around individuals and groups willing to share these emerging SOLUTIONS. It is OK to complain about current conditions. But then, let's go into action and work on finding what works. We work it, we make it better, and we share it with those who are interested. Not everybody will be interested--and that is totally OK.
Add in required trace minerals and the improvement is amazing
Trump supports my Trojan Horse theory, once again - To summarize, the War was won, and the Man is in the White House. Celebrations abound. And, as with the soldiers hidden in the Trojan Horse, Trump starts to peek out.....
For example, a couple days ago at some assembly, Trump sees the CEO of Pfizer in the audience and calls Albert Bourla a great person and a great businessman. This is the equivalent of pouring a bucket full of shit on Kennedy's head, and ours. This, along with his love of Israel are two major indications that it's " On with the show "........ the BIG show, a New World Order. Cleaning up dirty America, which has destroyed or harmed over 57 nations since WWII ( Spreading Democracy ? - What? are you kidding ?????) , is just a distraction. So what if America is somewhat cleaned up if it gets destroyed in the process ?
Bourla is a Great Man ? - Only a psychopath would say or think that. Unbelievable. How many times has Pfizer been fined millions for producing drugs that kill or maim or harm thousands if not millions of people ? And, not one person goes to jail. Not one person loses his/her job. Not once has the company been told to dissolve and never produce another death pill or vaccine. Imagine.
( Want proof ? Read Jon's article above. )
Agreed…Trump has become a religion to some as jabs have to others…when they said the jabs are “safe and effective” the unwritten fine print reads “safe from liability and effective and making a ton of money while destroying health.”
Good one - " safe and effective" - and true....
Yea, also in that speech, Trump asks if he should run again and the crowd goes nuts. Symptomatic of people looking " out there " for solutions to their problems, instead of within....
Have you tried communicating this to President Trump? The gathered crowd made sure he understood their opinion. (BTW our country has harmed more than 57 countries).
Listen up! If any of you have experienced this, as I have, you know just how bad it is. I've experienced it myself and watched helplessly as it took my mother out. Yes, listen up. We get what we demand and demand we must, We cannot go through this repeatedly again and again as they continue attempts at rolling out fake pandemics. Don't whine about how much truth you will or won't get. Just make your presence known. Make your views known.
Exactly! Post it to Trump’s social media-all of ‘em.
SUPPOSE the President is 100% well motivated. He can’t know it all. Hell, he eats Big Macs.
Or says he does.
I wouldn’t admit to a Big Mac… :-)
I urge readers to send this document to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna. Her contact info is here. https://luna.house.gov/contact If you hear nothing back, raise hell.
Instructions in article above.
Add: one husband dead from suicidal ideation after being prescribed Prozac SSRI for short term (situational) depression in 1993, two women friends died from turbo cancers in 2021 after their doctors encouraged them to get the Covid vaccine and boosters. They were both in great breast cancer remission and were dead within 6 months of their last boosters.
Will President Trump and Senator Robert Kennedy address the devastation that was caused by the Covid hoax?? Millions were affected, in one way or another! Here in Ireland they are still pushing the Covid poisonous jabs……
God bless each and every one of You. Thank you 🙏 too. Xx
This RFK is a junior. He was not a senator. He did run as a Democratic Party candidate for U.S. President (the Democratic Party fought this and ran a candidate that circumvented primary elections). He does have a long history of work to improve/restore the environment and health.
I wouldn’t bet on it
How many still think Watergate was some journalistic scoop?
First class Jon. If I ever become a journalist you will be my template. Thanks for the links to the sources. Great stuff. This post gets printed and stuck on the wall and the sources read. My 92 year old, healthy, dad was one of those who fell victim to this evil crime. I was kept in the dark until it was too late. I could not protect him from the imprisoners and drug pushers who killed him and were no doubt paid somehow for so doing. Doctors obviously know what is going on - his medical records recorded the exasperated scorn of one so called doctor trying to distance herself from obvious malfeasance only weeks before his death. The Death Home had given 10 times the drug she prescribed. A drug contraindicated for him but habitually used a sedative despite being labeled not to be. My brainwashed brother says that 10 is not much more than 1. That 10, as opposed to 1, is still within the prescribing range. So it could not have been that, or the other 20 drugs dad was put on, age 92, after a life time of drug avoidance, that killed him. No, he died of "covid". That is what it says on the death certificate so it must be true. Oh, and those "falls" you didn't tell me about at the time, they weren't dad fighting back were they?
I agree this needs investigation. I don't know if the chart is still out there or if it brought up to date but in the past you could read it for yourselves. There was also a site that showed how much each physician was paid by pharma. The figure you show is the last one I saw so figuring they mess with statistics if is more than reported. Just saying.
Thank you Jon. We need to keep hammering at this.