I'm becoming more and more discouraged by my "fellow man." Has the "average guy" or "gal" ever actually been trustworthy? These "fine" people at the FDA, those other "fine" people over at that GMO salmon "factory." Just doin' their jobs, are they?

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If the FDA recommend it it's time for extreme caution.

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Mr. Jon, your creativity continues to deliver strong analysis with humor. The content is

most appreciated....no thanks to GMO's , factory farmed salmon and pork.

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I am an incredibly modern and open minded aesthete - I despise GMO‘s , I despise mRNA nanotechnology,I despise trans-Humanism ,I despise trendy hoaxes like man-made global warming ,I despise the blasphemy that there are more than two genders, and I despise worshipping at the false idol of medical cartel credentialism…. other than that, I’m quite a cheery fellow, and full of love of natural things , creativity, ….. oh , and humanity….

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I eat salmon and pig. I'd never really know the difference between Wild Caught and Farm Raised if I didn't care at least a little bit about my health and more importantly open to the possibility that the FDA and non caring farmers Don't give a shit about anyone's health.

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Farmed salmon is bad enough without any genetic tinkering. This left me feeling ill: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LS62jVxQhgcD/

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This GMO problem is often discussed in the "Cannibal Digest" monthly. There is talk of developing a "black light" technology that makes people who have GMO salmon or pigs in their bodies glow green in the dark.

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Technology has always been used by some humans for no good and always will. This is why earth has been given a cosmic warning label. Enter at your own risk!

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I thought the mechanisms might encourage regrowth of lost limbs. They may look a bit different and have scales on them but they consider that progress as they love that chimera crap.

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THE SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY. A man reluctantly takes the jab in order to see his mother in a nursing home. Share Turfseer’s new song far and wide. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-summer-of-died-suddenly

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