Hello Jon, I’m an actor and appreciator of your work, (for a few years now). I had a moment of real clarity in reading this post, it’s seems true that AI could write most of what studios churn out. So many movies are made by committee which is the true killer of art. The death of many a movie has been summed up by the simple phrase “to many cooks in the kitchen”. Which is very similar to what AI can simulate, as it pulls from many different sources. The silver lining is that perhaps this portends a new golden age in singular vision artistic auteur cinema because that is all that can be distinguished as authentically human. Here’s hoping. Keep up the good work!

Eion Bailey

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Hollywood is Toast!! Put the Fork in It; they are recycling actors and remakes like a Junkie at a methadone clinic!! Like to invite you to my podcast Jon. I had your friend on as a guest several months ago, Dr. David Rasnick, and I mention you in my episodes time and again, you are a brilliant and insightful writer, would like to discuss your Matrix research on the episode and how it parallels with COVID

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The movie "Network" comes to mind... The character played by Faye Dunaway was a ruthless, heartless TV exec obsessed with ratings and "audience share". Content, truth, and reality were meaningless to her - her only interest was audience response, but more importantly, how many tuned in to view.

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Jon: If AI makes money, the Jews running Hollywood will use it. If it doesn't make money, the Jews will go back to live actors and writers.

In Show Business it is all about the money.

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Hollywood had one job and that is to entertain but they had to get into politics.. it's also a hub for the p£d.0.ph!les and they've gotten away with it for way too long! I also learned that hollywood is an arm of the cia. Everytime they want to push an agenda.. hollywood is their b!tch 💅🏻 and when we push back they called it "art" and when that didn't work.. they gaslight the shit out of people and called half of the country all sort of names. Us minions have plenty of things to entertain ourselves with.. we don't need Hollywood!

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I imagine Don't Look Up II would be an Ai production

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When A.I. is provided with training data composed entirely of human generated content to analyze and emulate then it has a reasonable shot at generating something that can resonate with human audiences. However, when humans are no longer paid to generate source material then A.I. training data will begin to become diluted with other A.I. generated content. The output, correspondingly, begins to resonate less and less with human audiences. I will argue the same degeneration process applies to A.I. generated actors. A race to the bottom ensues. What happens when the pool of available writers and actors has shrunk as a result of the career destruction that is now kicking off? Are there any deep pocket production houses that recognize the product quality benefit of continuing to nurture the careers of human writers and actors?

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Gosh I just can't wait.

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