And you believe this? Mexican cartels. There are maybe 1/2 dozen arenas a president cannot touch, as I'm sure you know, Can't touch The Fed, Pentagon budget, Wall St, AIPAC, CIA, Pharma. Where does the CIA get their operating expenses from? Illegal drugs. There's more money in drug trafficking and slavery than any other operation. And the US/UK have been up to their eyeballs in drug money for centuries. It's not the Chinese, it's the US gov't deliberately poisoning it's citizens

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US constitution article 1.8.5 allows the creation of money (technically by congress). That power has been usurped by the FED and commercial banks in US and central banks worldwide.

Bottom line: They can "print" up as much money as desired, whether by creating debt or 1.8.5 - i.e. budget without limit.

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I agree totally CM. The US 3 letter dark organizations have controlled the heroin, cocaine, etc. trade for decades to fund their illegal activities so why think the Chinese are controlling the fentanyl industry? It creates a distraction to their actions and fuels hate towards other countries they want to destroy/control

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Exactly. They also called it the China Virus when Covid, a biological weapon, came from Ft Detrick, Maryland. Again, 3 letter agency, home of CDC.

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Latest stat: 128,000 people die each year from prescription medication! It's all out war. They got us coming and going!

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I think the harsh sobering reality of corruption here is the fact that the fentanyl being ignored as it pours into the country is fueling several industries – banking, medical cartels, pharmaceutical, police forces, prison systems.

So there is not an aggressive political movement to shut it all down. The political Satanists look at it as - it takes a few broken eggs to make an omelette. That is 75,000 to 100,000 broken eggs…..

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"If, instead of pills and powder, we were being attacked by men shooting poison from helicopters—every day of every year, killing 100,000 Americans a year—our military would be called out to defend the country in a second."

Good point, but something like that has been going on for a long time:


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ChiComs using drugs to attack Americans is nothing new as the brilliant book "Red Cocaine" sadly illustrated decades ago. More importantly, top US leaders (Kissinger) have known about the ChiComs attacking Americans with drugs. And done nothing.

If you don't want to read the book, I have written a short note on it.

"We'll Have a Red Christmas with China - American Thinker


We are being attacked by the ChiComs with drugs, our leaders know about it, and are doing nothing to stop it.

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Who first "invented" fentanyl? What was it's original use? Big pharma or ?? Did it have any medical use? Inquiring minds want to know!

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They use it when they are getting ready to kill a person to relax them before they put them on a ventilator.

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The book "Empire of Pain" gets to the core of this problem from the beginning.

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Right, they "say" Fentanyl killing people all of the time. But not the details.

They don't give the details about how they pull baby parts out of a women's womb one at a time either during I think it's called a DE abortion, it is done at I think 23 weeks. Someone posted an video illustration of it, make a person want to vomit.

The closest they ever came was Trump saying they rip the baby out of the womb in late term abortions. Of course he was right, but do we all remember the insane outrage at just this MILD comment?

I will send links to this through X.

Also, I read that in Aurora Colorado, an entire Venezuelan gang has taken over an apartment complex, and put up fencing surrounding it.

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The question is who is NOT on board the depopulation goal? Money to be made at birth or no birth, toxic food preparation and added ingredients to induce ill health and need for the antidotes in prescription drugs, hospital and doctor visits…birth to death business plan.

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Seems like this problem has been around for many years (even before fake covid) and if there already is enough fentanyl to kill every human in the US, the damage is done. We can thank the Sacklers and big pharma once again for this devious outcome. Big pharma cannot stop making poison drugs and everyone of us is being threatened with our lives.

Am I to believe the politicians don't know any of this? Perhaps the great protectors of the country and the very people we vote for don't give a rat's ass. Just like they didn't do anything to stop forced vaccinations with mRNA poisons. Or how they have failed to tell the WHO to go to hell when it comes to taking away our sovereignty. Or like when they say nothing against England threatening to extradite anyone who speaks ill of their immigration plans?

These same politicians who don't give a damn about nothing but themselves? No thanks...it's a waste of time.

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Someone told me that the dealers are lacing pot with fentanyl too. I don't toke. But a lot of people do.

I live under a rock. No FB. No X. I emailed this article. And will keep it handy.

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gottit. did it.

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Wow, the dimensions are hard to grasp...

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Our current medical systems are very bad at tracking poison diseases. Could it be, in part, because most - if not all - approved drugs are poisons?

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"Again, there is enough fentanyl inside the US to kill every person in the world several times over. You can easily infer this from the amount of the drug that is seized along the border."

One of the guys in charge of the border guards, remarked a few months ago, that best estimates were that they were intercepting only one out of seven "mules" bringing fentanyl into the country.

Another thing that the media conveniently ignores: An estimated 30 million illegals have entered the country during the Biden administration. Are we to believe that each of them has received the appropriate number of shots per the COVID campaign?

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WRONG - " I would try to contact Democrats as well , but they refuse to think about anything ...." WRONG - - Democrat LEADERSHIP IS TONE DEAF , but do try to reach ordinary DEM friends bc voting 4 open borders IS NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE . no question at all , none , nada .

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