Methinks Mr Biden is not really in control of either his faculties or this country...which begs the question who is? It's not a simple answer I know but would like to hear your ideas at some point. I think for the most part it is the U.S. MIC

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Actually... the answer is quite simple!! The metastasized cancer known as Fascism ... in the guise of CIA, FBI, IRS, Federal Reserve, Congress, etc. is in charge ... ever since Operation Paperclip in 1946!! They, are who murdered JFK and RFK, attempted Regan, took down the Twin Towers, created the Plandemic, stole many elections, are spraying death in the skies, derailed chemical trains and now "bombed" Lahaina!!!

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The US Military may actually be our last hope, at least on a temporal level. I say "temporal" since we are willy-nilly involved in a cosmic spiritual battle against the powers of darkness & their evil human agents. See my other comment.

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RosaryKnight: The US Military is just a short boat ride away from Lahaina. The military base at Pearl Harbor is huge and has all kinds of emergency equipment.

Why hasn't it left Pearl Harbor for Maui?

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The Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin probably ordered them to stay where they are, & someone of an unmentionable racially supremacist ethnic/ideological group probably ordered him to do so.

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But, hey! The Biden Administration is planning to bring back full COVID restrictions beginning in mid September. He wants everyone to be safe because that’s the kind of guy he is. He loves us all. Awwwww.


I sit here in a designated 15-minute city and wonder how I can get out of here before I get flooded or burned out. The city government gave themselves permission just recently to kick us off our land if a developer buddy wants it for himself to develop. I think that plan is called “Kickbacks-4-Us”.

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motherfuckers and useless eaters

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I was gonna write essentially the same but you beat me to it! Why do we put up with this shit?

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Because we are divided, misinformed and afraid of dying!!!

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" ~ Patrick Henry ~

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Patrick Perry: I don't "put up with it." I've written countless letters and emails to government politicians and bureaucrats letting them know exactly what I think of them and their policies. I've been to protests at City Hall over lockdowns, masks, injections, etc. All to no effect. I write letters to the editor of the local paper but most of them aren't printed.

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Why fight city hall when you can be city hall. www.fredomforceinternational.org

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Sean Garrisson: There was on City Hall Council member (our town has five people on the City Council) who didn't get injected. The other four members banned her from entering City Hall. It's difficult to get a majority of sane people on our City Council as people here vote 85% Democratic and 90% took at least two jabs.

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Until we realize that our politicians & government agencies are controlled by an evil pseudo-messianic group of people for whom even billions of human lives mean nothing, we will only be shadow boxing, as well as following their "divide & conquer" strategy of domination & control.

"Unless you know your enemy, you will lose every battle." Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"If you want to know who rules over you, just ask yourself whom you're not allowed to criticize."


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Many died and the survivors are insulted …. The government does not want the traditional people living there, but instead wants a modern 15 minute man-made climate change- friendly city of lavish elegance. We are at war, but we just don’t know it yet.

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Multipolonius: I know we are at war. I live in Northern California. The bastards in power keep trying, and sometimes succeeding, in burning us out of our homes.

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I hear you and feel your pain, and know that, although the rest of the country in red states cannot stand California, we also know that there are still millions of red blooded patriots that still live there….

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Multipolonius: Thanks for your commiserations. Yeah, it sucks to live in a town and county that votes 85% Democrat and 90% took at least two injections. We, the free, even lost the vote on banning fluoride from our town's water supply 2:1.

We tried to recall Governor Gruesome but he beat us 2:1.

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Multipolonius: PS: My wife and I are too old and have health issues to move. We are stuck here.

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I’m loving this and was thinking the same thing. If it was a tranny community they’d be getting millions immediately!!! Gotta replace all their fancy clothes and wigs and makeup!!! Can’t leave them exposed for what they really are.

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"Come on, Jon!" Lighten up!!!

1 - The FEMA perverts obviously care... or they wouldn't have gone to all the effort of writing that "fact check" letter!!

2 - They're not "motherfuckers"!! They only abuse pigs, donkeys, monkeys, lizards etc. and the occasional human baby!!

3 - Besides... how else would they make all that land available for "smart cities"??

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At least Oprah would be compensated if her properties were over run by these burnt out migrants

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Massa Oprah don't want no "burnt out migrants" on her plantation.

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Great article by John Rappoport. Here is the latest on Maui Wildfires (video).


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Well written. Thanks.

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So true

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