Very sobering prospect we are witnessing. I'm afraid the majority are clueless and when I or another attempts to inform, we get the blank stare or a number of uncomplimentary descriptive s sent our way. My reply to this nightmare will always be "No. I will not participate. I do not consent. Not even if I end up sleeping in the bush and die cold and hungry there".

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It’s similar to chemo destroy the cancer by killing the person

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How else do you correct the biggest actuarial Ponzi scheme in human history. Life insurance companies had already adjusted mortality to mature at age 120. Now they're getting creamed by all cause mortality. Social Security and pension liabilities are unsustainable, especially with extended mortality. War is good for business and this bio warfare covers a few bases.

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It is perfectly clear to a small but rapidly growing number of people , that we must boycott, criticize and aggressively avoid all genetic alterations and mRNA technologies, and anything related to CRISPR applications , as they are initiated by corrupt megalomaniacal scientists n elites, dangerously trying to play God …… and those who comply , are the disposable lab rats looking for the cheese…..

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Perfectly clear.

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True, but we the informed must remember - there are still many clueless, naive, dull witted, or uninterested masses trying to enjoy n get ahead in life , who do NOT know or care what is going on …..

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Jon is reminding me of all those Propaganda SciFi Dystopian movies and tv shows about an airborne virus from Nature that can instantly kill off otherwise healthy people just by breathing in --Andromeda Strain from 1969 is the first one I saw on the subject, but fortunately that cootie was from Outer Space and it just dissipated on its own just before the Govt. was going to drop Nukes on the affected town. Whew! The Seeds of Possibility were sown among the Innocent people that the Experts know best and if they say it, it must be so. Thanks to Jon's research that I started following in early 2020, now I know for certain when the "Experts" are bloviating, it's time to run the other way.

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May I use this platform to promote achievements of my countryman: Suppressing a cure for more than 40 years! BURZYNSKI: THE CANCER CURE COVER-UP - FULL DOCUMENTARY

I guess so...

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Who is John Galt?

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Jon R., you hit it hard on the balls...

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I tend to aspire to what Max Igan says: This is a Soul test! I can only account for my soul, as you can only account for yours. I choose to face infinity without fear.

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Thanks Jon, Maybe we should, as in the distant past, just let it be.

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