(This article is Part-(-1) in a series; for Part-0, go here; for Part-(-2), go here.)
Hours after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Harris and Attorney General Garland met in the secret room behind a shelf of books in Harris’ library.
Do you mind if I fire up a doobie, Merrick?
Smoke a joint. I want to smoke a joint.
Only if you don’t start giggling.
Good one.
What did you want to talk about?
I read your strong statement disagreeing with the Court, Merrick. I have a plan. I’m hoping we can work on it together.
Does Joe know about this?
No. He would need plausible deniability. Aside from the fact that he doesn’t remember what happens from one day to the next.
Understood. What do you have in mind?
I want to launch a land war against all the states that forbid abortion.
An armed invasion. We just go in there and take over.
I have no idea what to say to that, Kamala.
Say yes.
What you’re suggesting is impossible for many reasons. But even if it were possible, you’re talking to the wrong man.
Because I don’t have enough people to stage that kind of operation. You need to be over at the Pentagon with the Joint Chiefs.
Then here is my backup. Let me run it by you. I announce I’m pregnant. I then go on a tour of all the states that don’t allow abortion looking for an abortion. This would take about a month. The press covers my heartbreaking journey day after disappointing day.
I see. Would you actually be pregnant?
Of course not.
Regardless, here is the problem. People would say, “Why doesn’t she just go to a state where she CAN get an abortion?”
Oh. Right.
You’d be better off just making pro-abortion statements several times a week.
That’s too tame, Merrick. Suppose I lead a force and break into the Supreme Court Building. Destroy some furniture. Maybe capture a law clerk and hold him for a few hours. Light a fire in one of the offices.
So people can then compare what you’re doing to the January 6th Capitol break-in?
Hmm. I see your point. OK, look, there’s another way. It’s a little more complicated, but I believe we can pull it off. We’d just need a few of your people to strong-arm any opposition. There’s some fake staging, too.
I’m not sure I want to hear about it.
We’d need a fake doctor, a few fake nurses, and a fake clinic in, say, New York. I announce I’m pregnant. I make a big public deal out of going to this fake clinic in New York. I have a fake abortion. But we say it’s botched, because the fake doctor has been under so much stress performing abortions for all the women traveling to New York to get abortions. He botches mine, and I end up in the hospital fighting for my life. The press is everywhere. It’s a HUGE story.
And the hospital would never discover you hadn’t been pregnant? This would be a fake hospital, too?
I think we could finesse that part.
That’s where I need you, to figure out the details. I’m a big idea person.
Here’s what I’m imagining, Kamala. The press or some internet reporter finds out you were never pregnant. They find out the clinic and doctor and the nurses were fake. They find out I’m helping you. You go down, I go down, the President goes down, the Democratic Party goes down for the next 50 years.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Glass half empty, half full. These are the times that try men’s souls. In for a penny, in for a pound. Wish upon a star. It’s a long road to Tipperary.
Take it easy, Kamala.
All right, Merrick. Then just tell the American people that you, the Attorney General, refuse to accept the decision of the Court. Set up a test case. Sue the state of Texas on behalf of a woman who couldn’t get an abortion there.
Sue in court, when the highest court in the land already ruled that the states are now free to make their own abortion laws?
Go balls to the wall, Merrick. Defy the Supreme Court.
You want me to challenge the separation of powers in the Constitution. You want me to say the Executive Branch rules everybody, whenever it wants to. Really?
Hell, that’s what happened with COVID, isn’t it? The Executive Branch locked down the whole country by declaring a State of Emergency. So lean on Biden and tell him he has to declare another emergency now. A public health emergency. Denying the federal right to an abortion CREATES a public health emergency for all women. Therefore, he, the President, is issuing an Executive Order that keeps all doctors in all states protected, when they perform abortions.
Maybe I’ve got a contact high going from that giant doobie you’re smoking, Kamala, but you know…that might work. It would be VERY risky. If Biden did that, we might see widespread armed rebellion in the country. I mean…National Guard troops battling city and county law enforcement…to say nothing of what private citizens in red states might do.
I say bring it on, Merrick. Who cares? We’re going to lose our asses in the midterms. Let’s bring this whole thing to a head. Now. The forces of good versus the forces of evil. It’s mythic. And epic.
I’ve got to get out of this room and breathe some clean air. I’ll go home and think about it.
Think hard, Merrick. And remember, we can get Biden to pretty much do whatever we tell him to do. Especially on his bad days.
I know. It’s somewhat comforting to know that—but it’s also terrifying.
-- Jon Rappoport
(Episode 13 of Rappoport Podcasts—“The Real President”—is now posted. It's a blockbuster. To listen, click here. To learn more about This Episode of Rappoport Podcasts, click here.)
Helen prefered Paris to Menelaus, and then there was a big war.
It's always women knitting trouble for no good reason.
Everything in the world would be boring without them.
About half of those aborted babies are women. Plus three quearter of the boys will become women in time, following the propaganda. Some people say abortion is a right, some people say it is not a right, but the real question is: is it profitable?
I think most prohibitions are really meant to rise prices in the black markets, and nothing more than that. For example, banning cash transactions of more than 999 is meant to raise prices in the sex market and not to fight sex slavery, as stated.
Same with abortion. I'm against it, but I'm also against ignoring some of the consequences of the decision made by the superlegislature.
She doesn't smoke weed, she smokes crack.