Didn't NORAD have an exercise the day of 9/11? Didn't event 2020 precede the Plandemic? If this is true it tells me the Dems KNOW they can't win. They are getting their ducks in a row with the new DoD initiative allowing military force against the citizenry. Kamala will win, just like they did in Moldova recently, a landslide victory became a loss for the top candidate, just like the 2016 election. This isn't going to end well.

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I thought the same thing about NORAD when I started reading this. Some of us DO remember about that SNAFU.

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The force that controls both parties probably is doing this (if something happens on that day) to make it appear that the Dems are behind it. It makes no difference who wins, since the force controlling both parties creates these situations to cause divide and either candidate is a puppet anyway (Trump included). That force doesn't care about you voting, as long as you pick a side. Either way, it wins.

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Can't say I disagree with all you stated but once in awhile, I allow myself to pick a side. Who wants Kamala to win? Why was there 8 straight years of Trumpicide? IsTrump playing nice with Nutcaseyahu, only to go back on his word and NOT start a war on Iran? OK, that's a doubt. Will he? My gut sez yes he will. Kamala is a given. Can Trump be completely controlled? Maybe not. Kamala, for sure. I expect the worst.

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They are both really bad. Trump pushed the Covid vaccines and bragged about it and continued to push people to get it even after leaving office. He pushes the 5G, which is basically to help along the surveillance and police state (he doesn't seem to have a problem with that). He said that Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11 and then when President, goes to Saudi Arabia and sells them 8 billion dollars of weapons. He was in severe financial trouble and the banksters let him off the hook. He could have pardoned Assange and Snowden. He's in Israel's pocket. And it goes on and on. He is being held up as a system bucker, but he's helping along the globalists' agenda. Neither him nor Kamala is any good for this country.

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Maia Sandu, who won the first round in the Moldovan elections, graduated from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and then worked as an adviser at the World Bank. Of course, she won.

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One of the first things I thought of, CM. "Is this real world or exercise?"

Sgt Jeremy Powell to Boston Flight Control. Six words from that day I'll remember forever.


(The 9/11blogger.com site appears to be non-existent at this point. It had an article on the same subject.)

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You beat me to it. Was going to post exactly what you said.

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Good catch, Jon. How will any of us sleep between now and Nov 5? Sounds like US is circling the drain. The gurgling sound is unmistakable.

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This is incredibly suspicious and extremely worrying . Govt n corporate fascists do these “practice scenarios “ several times in the past and coincidentally when they do them or soon after , something devastating relating to those activities takes place…..

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

They always tell us what they're going to do. We just need to pay attention.

It's up to us how we'll respond.

Get ready as best you can.

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The perpetrators of this exercise has just told the world there will not be an honest election.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

For anyone paying attention the last 4+ years, this comes as no surprise.

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Remember they were practicing for a terrorist attaack on 9/11.

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The more I read this article the more I realized this is not facetious or sarcastic - if this really is the plan that is in fact supposed to go down during election day, and people don’t think that this is suspicious in anyway, well, then the brainwashing is complete…

(I think I’m gonna go out and get some more candles…)

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It's cover for "2024 was the most secure election in U.S. history, even more secure than 2020. Wink, wink."

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Jon, about 15 years ago I attended one of these conferences. At the time I was chief of Cybersecurity at a major university. One of the “exercises “ was to break into the largest bank in (I’ll not say which one) a middle eastern country. The presenter said we were going in and obtaining a list of every account (and subsequent additional data ie names addresses etc) that contained more than $50,000. From the start of him on his laptop to the time the accounts started scrolling on the projection screen was less than 5 minutes. It scrolled for 2-3 minutes before he cut it off and got out before we were discovered.

This was 15 (!) years ago. ANYTHING that is connected to the internet is capable of being hacked, altered, deleted, etc. given the proper resources. ANY computer or computer system that can be accessed PHYSICALLY is capable of the data being hacked, altered, deleted, etc.

The general public just doesn’t understand there IS NO SUCH THING AS REAL CYBER SECURITY. Only “relative security “.

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Remember, remember the fifth of November…Guy Fawkes day.

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I remember on 9/11/2001, there was an exercise going on that day that had planes flying into skyscrapers. And the Twin Towers had that for real, same exact day. So Jon has a good point here, a cybersecurity exercise happening on Election Day. Yup. I am now SURE that the election will be disrupted.

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It's phony to begin with. No way the monsters would allow a fair election.

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And on November 6th it will be; all hail queen Kommie. Please note that since no machine votes can be counted at this time or in the future, we must now rely on counting votes by hand and mail in votes.

Please bear with us as we work feverishly to solve the problem of any retardican being elected to anything. Do not misconstrue our intentions as we seek to perform rigid "equality" declarations and initiatives to determine a winner in every election. In essence, your vote is not required for us to establish a winner.

Signed: the WEF, UN, WHO, gates, China and all democrat fascists and Marxists.

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This is not funny.

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Blew the president’s brains out in Dallas.

Disintegrated seven buildings in NY.

In broad daylight.

They know they can get away with absolutely anything.

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Paradise, CA; Maui; East Palestine, east TN and western NC & FL

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What a crock! I don't know how or when but agencies of the government are going to be brought down to the foundations by the LORD GOD

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Wouldn't that be nice. But it might take a bloody revolution first.

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There wasn't an honest election last time and nobody did a thing about it, why would it be any different now?......Bahaaaa....Bahaaa

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Actually, Ken, Judicial Watch has been suing state governments since that 2020 election to clean up their voter rolls, and Winning their cases.

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Weirdly, when I told my husband about this he shrugged it off.

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Nothing to see here…🙄

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