And THAT’S the primary reason my tv has been off for years now and remains off. Oh, that and BS-19.

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doncha mean BS-24/7 ?

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A correction: Trump IS the game.

Watch for the biggest rug-pull in history as all these mid-wits self immolate with rage as they figure out they've been played. Again.

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Brilliant essay, Mr. Rappaport, and it made me laugh, a rare occurrence these days.

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If you watch enough political coverage on television, then grey liquid will start coming out of your ears and you’ll vomit out a grey oatmeal substance ,which will be the residue from your brains. There is a reason Obama allowed propaganda to be pushed upon the American people…..

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Very good

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He has always wanted to sit at the big table? I mean really sit at the big table, rather than be some New York rich real estate guy with a reality TV show.

I remember seeing him just after his election, at some summit and introduction of the POTUS to other world leaders -- or what not, and he was back in crowd of useful idiots somewhere and he didn't like it and forged forward like an American Bulldog to the surprise of the rest. It was quite funny actually and very shortly afterwards the Trump rain started and hasn't quit and now has been a steady down fall with intermittent tornadoes and hurricanes and snow storms.

It's is as you say an industry now.

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"The people there don’t know whether to shit or go blind." Sometimes they just opt for both.

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Great fun, Jon!!! It's just too bad all that money is not actually going into Trumps coffers!! Pardon himself from jail is an awesome idea!!! It would be like Neo stopping that hail of bullets coming at him by just saying, "No!"

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Big Harma's budget-outlays for commercial ad buys on TV/Youtube alone just quintupled for fiscal year 2024

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Wow, and what a game it is.

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Trump Truffle Cake will be the rage

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Forgot about Biden Brandy

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A marvelous exposition, wonderful!

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"The Art of the Deal". Donald J. Trump

By the way, Trump's great grandfather ran a hotel and brothel at the Monte Cristo mines in the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. The Rockefeller investment group bought up the profitable mines but still lost money. $3 million invested and $2 million in gold and silver pulled out of the mines. Monte Cristo is a ghost town now. Maybe DJ Trump will vacation there if he becomes President. The National Park Service owns the land (of course) now.

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Isn't Trump the man who stated the following:

US Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is so confident in his support base that he said he could stand on New York’s Fifth Avenue “and shoot somebody” and still not lose voters.

And: During a rally in Sioux Center, Iowa, Trump told the assembled crowd, "My people are so smart. And you know what else they say about my people? The polls — they say I have the most loyal people ... I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters."

And: San Jose, California


Donald Trump on Thursday called for his likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to be imprisoned.

“I will say this, Hillary Clinton has got to go to jail,” Trump told supporters here as he slammed Clinton’s foreign policy speech earlier in the day in which Clinton called Trump dangerous and “temperamentally unfit” to be president.

“Folks, honestly, she’s guilty as hell,” Trump said of the Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

Trump has previously accused Clinton of breaking federal law, but his comments on Thursday are his most direct call yet for Clinton to face jail time over her use of private email to conduct official State Department affairs.

This is all a big show but no tickets are being sold!

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