Laugh-out-loud, spit out the coffee funny. Many levels to this. The spark of what it is to be a true human shines in Jon’s writing and this one went nuclear.

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We definitely are in a “ state of emergency” but not regarding a virus. We need accountability for the financial fraud and the thousands of dead Americans.

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I know one brainwashed reader who drove for miles in a convoy in Australia with a big magnetic sign on her car that read www.nomorefakenews.com. She even had a photo of Jon Rappoport on the sign.


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Thanks for using your creative energy to help me to use mine! The freedom to think and question and resist using the innovative, resourceful presence from within. Ahhhhhhhh - I am grateful!

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I love this RoleCall of the absurdity played by your fictitious character, Ms. Lolly. Cheers to the Liberty and the Skill of the Genius Writer who can Reach the Reader……and that would be you, Mr. Rappoport. I am laughing out loud. Thank you.

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I feel it is insurrection and I , for one, am on board with it.

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Nobody remembers Irving Layton anymore:

“There is no force more subversive than poetry

And that is why tyrants have always feared it

And sought to suppress it

But not only tyrants, everyone who has a vested interest

In preventing the individual from discovering the truth of his own self

And his own capacities fears the liberating power that resides in poetry”

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"And you believe Rappoport’s readers are helpless in the face of his onslaught?"

Poor us.


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Master Rappoport is so smart that in 1989 he programmed that "moist robot" who draws that demoralizing comic strip every day.

He always covers all his bases, like all great businessmen.

Subscribe if you have an immortal soul!

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Man. Hahaha

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do you have any laugh-out-loud, coffee out the nasal passages stuff cuz i am experiencing some congestion....

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I am another brain washed reader. Thank you for your interest is us who understand nothing and quite similar to President Biden, who is just a puppet from nefarious

Dr. Fauci. He is really a very scary subject. He will probably end up like Faustus!

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Jon's (un)brain-washed masses?

I'm in.

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Happy to be among these particular crazy, brainwashed people. Go Jon!

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Thanks again JR! Please pass the Kool-aid!

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